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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

Able to save my dogs' lives without second thought

My 10 1/2 year old German Shepherd, a retired Champion, was fine at 6pm, relaxing in his crate after he ate. At 7:20pm he started squeaking. When I checked on him, I realized he was bloating. Time is of the essence, as you have a 1-3 hour window to get them to the Vet for medical intervention to save their life. I was able to rush him to the ER and they saved his life with surgery. It is so comforting to know PetsBest is there for me, once again, to help save my dog's life. It seems that these life saving surgeries tend to cost $3500 to $5,000.I have had PetsBest since 2009. I have all of my cats and dogs covered with them. It is a great benefit and peace of mind knowing I can count on them. Very fair, very prompt.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 12/14/2016
  • BY: Carolyn
  • BREED: German Shepherd
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

So glad for this coverage on my dog!

Have brothers from the same litter. After going through an expensive illness with another dog, I researched pet insurance and decided to go with Embrace. So thankful as one boy developed irritable bowel syndrome combined with pancreatitis. Very expensive to test and treat. It's been almost a year of treatment and we are still having to swap medications and doses. I understand he will always have this problem. I am very glad I had them covered with Embrace. Great to deal with, happy with claim handling. Thank you Embrace.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 12/07/2016
  • BY: Jaye
  • BREED: German Shepherd
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Frustrating and Costly

We started with AKC Insurance when our dog was a pup. Premiums were reasonable, just over $30 a month for sick coverage only. Around age 3-4 she had some health issues and claims that were covered reasonably, though never near what we were paying the vets in a metro area. Even though our dog had very few claims after that and was quite healthy, the rates more than doubled when she turned 7, then doubled again at age 10 (AKC told us this is normal), and finally increased to over $2,000 this past March (and this does NOT include wellness care!!). Everyone else we've talked to with pet insurance is shocked at what we are paying. Since our dog has been quite healthy for most of her life, we considered dropping the insurance this year just before she turned 12. In May she developed a neurological condition and we were glad we still had insurance, however, it recently took four months for $3,500 in costs to be processed and paid at just over $2,000. Because of the number of calls, faxes and communications required of my vet to process the claims, my vet has had to charge us separately for her administrative time. She believes the insurance company seem to be trying to avoid or delay paying on claims. And she finds AKC to be the most difficult insurance company to deal with. Furthermore, we've discovered that any condition a pet has is limited to a $3,000 lifetime incidence limit!! Be sure to read the fine print in the policy. There are many exclusions and limits that you wouldn't expect. Premiums are going up and coverage is going down. And the claims process has become quite time consuming and frustrating.
  • POSTED: 12/05/2016
  • BY: Diana
  • BREED: Poodle
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5


Embrace is timely, if nothing else. Even when rejecting claims, they are quick. When I have filed appeals, they have been quick to review and even overturned their original decision (thanks to additional documentation, of course). In their letter to notify me of their new decision, one of their VPs went so far as to provide their contact info, in case I had any questions.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 12/01/2016
  • BY: Brian
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Peace of mind!

I never thought I'd even consider pet insurance, but thank goodness I got it. When I had my first claim, I was prepared for problems! Well, no problems, in fact I've been amazed at the customer service. My pet baby almost died, I'm so thankful I didn't have to think about cost. I've received emails from Healthy Paws just checking to see how my baby is doing. Oh and payment was received within days!! Well worth the cost (very affordable)!
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 11/29/2016
  • BY: Cindy
  • BREED: Old English Sheepdog
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Very nice to have for these furry family members.

Have had ASPCA pet insurance on my Cocker Spaniel "Maxie" for close 10 years. it has been invaluable to helping me take "worrying about cost" out of the equation when it comes to healthcare needs for my 14 tear old girl. When I got my other Cocker "Mindy" a few years ago I put it on her as well. As our pets get older, they need more frequent care, and checkups. It helps tremendously getting reimbursed for a good percentage of this care. The people care about your pets as well. They call from time to time to check on their condition. Maxie and Mindy are my "children", and their health comes first, and with the ASPCA pet insurance, the finances are a secondary concern.
  • POSTED: 11/29/2016
  • BY: Al
  • BREED: Cocker Spaniel
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Best investment you can make for your furry friend

My only regret is that I did not get Healthy Paws Insurance sooner for my beloved Mulligan, or for my other 2 animals who have since passed over the Rainbow Bridge. I just celebrated my 1-year anniversary with Healthy Paws and I could not be more satisfied. I adopted Mulligan 4 years ago and she was very healthy until the past year. Since then, the poor little champ has been in and out of the vet and ER with hyperthyroidism (she had radiocat in September 2015); heart murmur, and, most recently, diagnosed with acute inflammatory bowel disease. A few weeks ago, we spent nearly ever day at the ER, the vet and/or the specialist. Within the week, Mulligan quickly deteriorated until we eventually discovered her diagnosis: IBD. In that time, her vet bills totaled nearly $3,000 and Healthy Paws paid nearly 90% of them, except for the exam fees. Adopting an animal is a lifetime commitment and vet bills are a part of that commitment. However, it is such a profound comfort to know that - during the very stressful times in managing our beloved pet's medical needs and care - that we will have Healthy Paws on our side to assist with the veterinary bills. The processing process could not be more streamlined and I received the checks within a week of submission: no questions, no arguments, very few exceptions. When I have had to contact costumer service, the representatives are helpful and available and always able to answer my questions in any easy and efficient manner. Finally, we even received several follow-up emails to check on Mulligan's progress following her multiple ER and hospital admissions. It was an endearing touch after a very grueling week. As she gets older and has multiple medical issues, I am eternally grateful to have Healthy Paws as a partner in Mulligan's healthy care.
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 11/23/2016
  • BY: Jana
  • BREED: Calico
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Exceptional Service

My Lhasa Apso, Bailey, is a rescue. when I adopted him five years ago it was questionable if he would be able to be adopted. He had been doused in kerosene and set on fire and had many issues. On the day I adopted him I signed him up for ASPCA Pet Insurance and have never regretted the decision. I am pleased with the contract I chose and appreciate the claim processing procedure.
  • POSTED: 11/17/2016
  • BY: Linda
  • BREED: Lhasa Apso
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5


So glad my vet is offering this service. So easy to sign up and submit claims.Loving this service so far.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 11/16/2016
  • BY: Laurie
  • BREED: American Staffordshire Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Wonderful Pet Insurance Company

Embrace is an excellent pet insurance company. I have been with them for 7 years. I have a dog who has had chronic health issues from broken bones to bad eyes (now she's blind) and a heart murmur. Embrace has helped us afford care for her all these years. All the people you talk to at their office are nice and they genuinely care about you and want to honor your claims. When they can't, for any reason, they actually apologize. Whenever you call them with a question or issue, they are extremely kind and helpful. They are never rude. The premiums are reasonable and they have many options. And even though they are reasonable, I wish I could afford to have all my pets on Embrace. However, they do give discounts for multiple pets. I strongly recommend Embrace over other insurance companies. Check them out and compare. You'll be happy you did.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 11/11/2016
  • BY: Jeani
  • BREED: Toy Poodle
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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