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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

I am very pleased with Trupanion.

I am very pleased with Trupanion. The claims, I have submitted so far, have all been processed fast and without a question.Thank you very much for the great service.

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out of 5

Honestly The Easiest Claim Proces...

Honestly the easiest claim process ever! I received just about every dollar back (for services covered under my policy) for my Juju's unfortunate emergency surgery. Received my check in record time. I highly recommend this company to pet owners.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 06/17/2017
  • BY: Brittnay
  • BREED: Chihuahua
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Thank you for your excellent service!

Thank you for your excellent service!
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 06/16/2017
  • BY: Gail
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Thank you for your excellent service!

Thank you for your excellent service!

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out of 5

Our German Shepherd Was Diagnosed...

Our German Shepherd was diagnosed with prostate cancer in September 2016 .Pets Best has been with us throughout the entire journey and we are pleased to say Granite's cancer is in remission.All payments have been promptly reimbursed with no hassle whatsoever.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 06/16/2017
  • BY: Art
  • BREED: German Shepherd
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

A Lifesaver

My little pup had to have her leg amputated, I had just enrolled 2 month prior, the costs were $8000, Embrace was there for us, no questions asked. Please ensure your pet, low price and worth it
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 06/14/2017
  • BY: Beate
  • BREED: American Staffordshire Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Happy Customer

I am writing to say how grateful we are for Healthy Paws. My husband and I adopted our male cat, Davin when he was estimated to be about 9 years old. He was supposedly in good health except for a lot of missing teeth. We usually adopt older cats and they come with lots of health issues. I had never considered getting pet insurance before because of all the pre-existing conditions older cats have. Davin was different in that he had been given a clean bill of health before we adopted him. Fast forward 3 years. I could tell it was time to have Davin’s teeth looked at and took him to a veterinary dentist for a consultation. The dentist explained to us that Davin would need his 3 remaining canines taken out as they were swelling up under the gums and could be infected. Two had the tips broken off and at any rate, he said they were painful. Davin’s surgery went very well and he is now a toothless 11 year old man. The two broken canines were a source of possible infection so I sent Healthy Paws the necessary papers from the dentist to Healthy Paws. To our great delight, Healthy Paws sent us a check that will go a long way to paying Davin’s vet bills. I’m very grateful for this because our 15 year old female cat is the next cat to go for dental surgery. She is not insured so we must absorb the full cost of her surgery. Also, the veterinary dentist we are lucky enough to take our cats to has a remarkable talent for picking up heart anomalies in pets that other vets miss. This was how we discovered our female cat, Beauty, had a heart condition and this is how we learned Davin has borderline severe restrictive cardiomyopthy. Before Davin could undergo dental surgery, he needed to be examined by a veterinarian cardiologist and his echo-cardiogram showed heart disease. Davin will now need to be on three different medications for the rest of his life. Giving pets great medical care is not an inexpensive endeavor so I am very grateful that Healthy Paws is committed to helping us give Davin the best medical care we can. It has paid off for him and I wish I had it for our Beauty. Davin recovered remarkably well from his dental surgery and now that his offending teeth are out he is eating much better. As an added side benefit, the chronic eye goop Davin had from the day we adopted him has cleared up! We are also hoping that with those offending teeth taken out and the infection they harbored in his body cleared up, his heart will also benefi
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 06/14/2017
  • BY: Mary
  • BREED: Domestic Shorthair
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Lisa was very helpful!

Lisa was very helpful!! She answered all my questions i asked and on top of that she was very concerned about my baby boy!!! That made my day even tho im going through a tough time! Thank you for everyone's help at trupanion😊
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 06/13/2017
  • BY: Trinh
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

The lady I spoke with was very helpful and polite.

The lady I spoke with was very helpful and polite. She answered my questions promptly and efficiently. It was very nice to speak with such a kind and caring lady.
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 06/13/2017
  • BY: Elizabeth
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Lisa was very helpful!

Lisa was very helpful!! She answered all my questions i asked and on top of that she was very concerned about my baby boy!!! That made my day even tho im going through a tough time! Thank you for everyone's help at trupanion😊

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