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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

Prompt, courteous and compassionate response

Over the years, my husband and I heard only negative comments from friends about pet insurance companies. Yet, given the amount of money we spent to keep our previous pets healthy, we decided to give Pets Best a chance. We are very glad we made that choice. Our eight-month old mini-dachshund was running and broke her leg in the process. She had to have surgery, and the vet bills amounted to over $3,000. Our policy had been in effect for less than six months, and my husband was sure the company would find some way to not pay our claim. He was so totally wrong! Pets Best provided prompt, efficient and compassionate claim processing, and we had our reimbursement check in hand in just a few weeks. We are so grateful to have found and honest and ethical pet insurance company who was there to support us when we needed them the most. We'll recommend Pets Best to all our friends. We hope never to need the company's services again, but we are comforted to know they will be there to support us should the need arise.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 12/26/2009
  • BY: Annemarie
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Amazing and quick service

When my puppy was injured and we took her to the emergency vet I had my reimbursement check back within 10 days - but I'm amazed that for her spay surgery last Monday, and turning in her claim on Tuesday, I had the check by Saturday. I also appreciated that I received a personal phone call from a customer service rep to let me know that I would be getting a premium reduction for an error that was made and it was just sent back to my credit card. I believe I will be with PetsBest for the rest of my pets lives!
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 12/24/2009
  • BY: Jennifer
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Peace of Mind

We lost a pet at only 2 yrs old from AIHA after spending thousands to save her, even traveling to OSU for research. We knew we needed something to cushion such a large expense and found that with PetsHealth. We have had their plan since getting our latest dog who is now 7 yrs old. She was recently diagnosed with Diabetes and the offset of cost with the insurance has been quite helpful. I would suggest it for any pet owner who would ordinarily consider expensive treatments but would like a small portion of the expense covered.
  • POSTED: 12/23/2009
  • BY: Sarah
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5


We have had pet insurance on our dogs for years. We never had too much use for it until the last 5 years. Our mutt needed a TPLO and one of my Newfies needed 2 TPLO's plus an additional corrective surgery. In general we got half back each time. Not impressive. Then I decided to do another review of all policies available and used this site to assist. I switched to Embrace. Recently, the same Newfie who had the three surgeries had a stroke to his spinal cord and lost the use of his hind legs. He had two MRI's plus a myriad of other diagnostics and then spent 2 weeks in a specialty rehab clinic. Thankfully he is doing well. Embrace paid 100% after my yearly deductible (yearly not per incident) and my 10% co-pay (which I chose). They did not cover the bath the clinic gave him - oh well :) Am I happy - you bet. And the folks there are so friendly and helpful - you are not calling a "help desk" or "call in center" - you are talking to real people who care. I've never written a review like this before but this insurance has been a major blessing for us. We are not in a great financial position at this time (who is?) and receiving back almost 100% of this unexpected expense has been nothing short of life saving for us. It is not cheap for us to insure all 6 of our dogs but it only takes one incident like this to prove its value.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 12/23/2009
  • BY: Sharon
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

ASPCA is wonderful

We are very happy with ASPCA pet insurance and have had coverage for over 2 years for our two dogs. There have been some unexpected vet bills and it was reassuring to know we had good coverage and timely reimbursements. I feel the premiums and annual deductibles are reasonable and do not "break the bank".
  • POSTED: 12/23/2009
  • BY: Noelle
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

62% premium increase with zero claims isn't fair!

I've had Embrace for a year on my 2 Goldens, ages 6 and 7. I didn't have a single claim, yet in my renewal e-mail a few days ago, I was told that my premium was going up by 62% when my policies renew in a few weeks!! I called the company thinking perhaps there was a mistake, but I was told that the e-mail was correct, and that the increase was due to my dogs getting older. What?? Of course dogs get a year older every year!!?? The representative I spoke with was very nice, and apologized for the situation, but said there was nothing that could be done. She said the huge increase was because my dogs were each hitting the age where there was the biggest premium jump across the board, per their underwriters... How can any company justify raising premiums 62% in just one policy year!? All I can guess is that they're actually trying to force clients to leave as their dogs get older. Apparently they're happy to take premiums from young healthy pets, but then they'll turn around and force you out as your pets get older. They told me I could take it up with their underwriters - but since that's Lloyd's of London, I doubt I'll get very far. That's why I'm now looking for a new company...
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 12/22/2009
  • BY: Kera
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

good insurance to have

My cat Cayenne had her tail amputated due to an infected cyst. The insurance really helped defray the cost.
  • POSTED: 12/22/2009
  • BY: margery
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Don't Choose Embrace

I paid Embrace in excess of $80 a month for my two very young cats, the first for just about a year and the second for about six months when I made my first claim. I'd taken my just over a year-old female cat to the vet because she had diarrhea. Embrace called the condition pre-existing because 11 months earlier, when I originally brought her home from Petco, I must have told the vet that saw my cat for a check-up a day after I got her, that she had slightly loose stools...not diarrhea. In any event, at that time, I'm sure it was from either fear of being in a new home or a change in her diet from what she was used to. At that time no vet was seen for any specific problem, only to have her checked out since I'd just gotten her. The call of a pre-existing condition was ludicrous. Once Embrace can call a diarrhea pre-existing, anything that remotely has that symptom can be denied by them...anything! It was a tricky and unethical loophole that they were creating to protect themself. Fortunately, I was only out (ahem) about $800 in wasted insurance preumiums, but you can be sure that I canceled my policy the very next day. If you're getting insurance for peace of mind, before you choose Embrace, please consider what I've said.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 12/22/2009
  • BY: Bebe
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5


Thank You for your prompt payment on my wellness claim for Essie. This is my first claim and I am very pleased with how easy it was. I feel so lucky to have found your company.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 12/21/2009
  • BY: Margatette
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5


  • POSTED: 12/21/2009
  • BY: Gloria
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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