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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

ASPCA/Hartsville has been the best investment !!!

One comment I must make has to do with review sites in general. Negative reviews will always be the worst cases imaginable and usually outnumber positive responses because it is human nature to complain rather than praise. Anyways, we have had ASPCA for our 3 dogs for just about two years. We have filed numerous claims and most have been accepted. The denied ones were for reasons stated in the policy. Even the ones that were accepted were reduced somewhat as it always is with insurance. But over the last two years we have been reimbursed 3.5:1 versus our premiums. We have had claims for infections, viruses, cancer and bloat all reimbursed proportionally. In my opinion, any reimbursement over and above the premium is a good investment. Would I get pet insurance for one animal, probably not. I would rather save money in a pet emergency fund. But when you have multiple pets, insurance is a great safety net especially if more than one pet gets stick at the same time.
  • POSTED: 01/19/2010
  • BY: Denis
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

A Pet Insurance Company that Plays Fair

To the Petshealth Customer Satisfaction Department:Thumbs up to Petshealth for providing such good service during the past year, which has been a tough one for my cat Heathcliff. I thought I'd take the opportunity to report back to you with the good news that he's bounced back from his three illnesses and is doing great now. On the renal failure front, he's been asymtomatic since a re-check on 07/07/09 (confirmed in a regularly scheduled check-up on 10/30/09), and his last treatment for it dates back to 07/07/09. As for his ulcer, he has been asymptomatic as of that same 07/07/09 re-check (also confirmed in that same regularly scheduled check-up on 10/30/09), and his last treatment for it was 10/23/09 -- we had continued with treatment as a defensive measure since July. Finally, he's been asymptomatic re his gastroenteritis/pancreatitis since that same regularly scheduled check-up on 10/30/09, and his last treatment was 11/27/09 -- again, we had continued with it as a defensive measure since October. Petshealth's service has helped to defray a significant part of the costs associated with these three illnesses. I am very glad to have had this help, and wanted to share the good news of Heathcliff's recovery on all three fronts. Sincerely, Dean
  • POSTED: 01/19/2010
  • BY: Dean
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

The worst ins company

I have a 2 yr old black lab, have had this ins since she was 8 weeks..they are the worse, they recently got bought by another ins co. I am still wating for a claim i filed in Dec. they faxed the vet wanting every single medical record on her WHY????They won;t return my calls, they apparently did not get all records from previous underwritier..DO NOT BUY THIS INS!!!!!!!!!!
  • POSTED: 01/19/2010
  • BY: Stella
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Could not have selected a better company!

To keep it short, I have had 12K in medical bill in the past 12 month and almost 4K were covered. The other was only not covered because the injusry occured before the insurance started. They are efficient, VERY FAIR and extremely friendly - Thanks so much!!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/19/2010
  • BY: Matt
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

They should be ashamed!

After committing to a long term treatment for my pets allergies I was notified that the treatment would no longer be covered since it had occurred in a 'prior' plan period. In other words, they only covered ANY condition for the first year of coverage. ALL conditions are then deemed preexisting at the time of renewal. Is this not the complete antithesis of our understanding of medical insurance?!?!?!?!
  • POSTED: 01/18/2010
  • BY: Corinne
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5


We recently signed up to insure our new puppy. We included the Wellness plan to our basic policy,and within 5 days( we were told it could take 10-14)of filing our $60.00 claim, we received the full compensation in the mail!! So far so good....
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 01/18/2010
  • BY: monica
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Review of pet insurance for George

We enrolled our 6 year old cat George in the pet health insurance plan. He was doing well but we had had such major expenses with his sister Gracie (unfortunately we had not enrolled them when we got them) that we knew we might need help in the future. George developed some gastrointestinal problems and it has been such a blessing to have the coverage. We were so pleased that when we adopted our rescue dog Toby we immediately enrolled him, too.
  • POSTED: 01/18/2010
  • BY: Janice
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Easy to deal with and quick to send payment

I decided to take out pet insurance on our new rescue puppy. We have had him 4 months and he managed to cut himself severely resulting in an emergency vet visit and surgery. I sent in the claim form and the bill and Embrace quickly reimbursed us for the amount that they said they would. They were very professional and courteous and I would recommend them to any pet owner.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/17/2010
  • BY: Allison
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Paying Claims

I have a 7 mo old yellow lab she got really sick just before thanksgiving. I had her originaly at Mass Vet Referal Hosp, in Woburn Ma, then I had her to my vet 4 times over the next 10 days running test and whatever. All together my bills totaled almost 1500.00 after submitting all the claims I paid I recieved checks totaling 760.00.The Ins. Co says on their Web site "#1 Does the Company pay based on your vet bills? Find out how your pet insurance reimbursements will be determined.Some companies pay a percentage of your veterinary bills,while others pay only a fixed amount based on a benefit schedule. We pay 80% of allowable covered veterinary charges,BECAUSE WE BELIEVE YOU SHOULD BE REIMBUURSED BASED ON YOUR ACTUAL VETERINARY BILLS". Well guess what, thats not how they pay they take the AVERAGE VET bill from the area I was told "we take all the claims such as an office visit and determine what the average cost in the area is". They have an average for everything, well isn't that a schedule, if you have a list of how much you payout isn't that a benefit schedule? I think all the ticked off clients should get together and sue them on the grounds of false advertising.
  • POSTED: 01/16/2010
  • BY: John
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5


I never thought I'd find myself taking the time to write this but Embrace thoroughly deserves the effort. My dog has had a number of claims over the past 2 years. On every occasion Embrace has very efficiently, speedily and helpfully answered my questions, processed the claims and paid the money. I cannot recommend them enough.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/16/2010
  • BY: A
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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