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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

Bait & Switch

I wanted a policy that would only kick in for major expenses, with high co-pays and deductibles resulting in low premiums. I also wanted continuing care coverage, so that chronic ailments wouldn't become uncovered pre-existing conditions at policy renewal time, as is usually the case with pet health insurance. Embrace promotes their continued care rider and seemed to fit my needs, so I bought a policy for my two cats. Later, when I carefully read the fine print (like I should've done up front) it became clear that their cintinuing care coverage was substantially less after the policy year when the condition developed. Worse, at the end of the first policy year they wanted a 43% premium increase to renew! Yes, a forty-three percent premium increase after the first year! It was like bait and switch: they suck you in with what seems to be good long-term coverage at an excellent price, then once they're got you as a customer, they jack up the rates so high that they're not even competitive. Needless to say, I didn't renew! I rated them as a "6" because they didn't actually steal my money and they didn't refuse to pay any claims (I didn't submit any) but I really felt ripped off regardless.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 03/05/2010
  • BY: Mick
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Claim Filing

It's VERY helpful to receive confirmation when one files a claim (not a form letter but a written response with someone's actual name on it!) letting them know what they can expect in the way of reimbursement and why. Even though I haven't been with Embrace that long, I'm impressed with how thorough they are in explaining coverage and any questions I've had and the promptness of reimbursement. Paying a little more in the way of premiums each month is worth it to get exactly the coverage I want. I like that I can customize my plan and not pay for something I don't want/need. I also enjoy their newsletter and plan on keeping my cats healthy!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 03/05/2010
  • BY: Margaret
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Grateful for Petsecure's generosity

Petsecure was not my insurance company at the time my dog, Impulse, had a run-in with a stray and she tore her cruciate ligament, resulting in a major vet bill of close to $3000. My pet health insurance company at the time was Pet Care (I mention their name because I believe it is important for anyone thinking of getting pet health insurance coverage for their pet to know the truth about how they handled our situation). I had been with them about 9 years, and had made only three claims throughout Impulse's life, all small claims totally only about $500 over her lifetime. They refused to pay out my claim for surgery because they said "Impulse was not hit by a car therefore she wouldn't be covered." They did so even after I asked them to reconsider and to review her lengthy client status with few claims. And they informed me by leaving a voicemail and also made sure to include instructions on how I could cancel my policy. After 9 years of being a loyal client they refused coverage via voicemail and left me cancellation instructions too. They didn't care about my dog, the financial position this put me in, or about whether I was their client or someone else's. The previous year we had been through a hydro vault explosion at our apartment building where we evacuated with our dogs and basically our wallets and the clothes we were wearing - and we weren't allowed back in for almost two months. For almost a year we fought almost daily with our human insurance company to have our possessions replaced due to soot damage. Our human insurance company (The Personal) made our ordeal a nightmare long after the actual emergency was over, and certainly lived up to the stereotype of not caring and weaseling out of paying claims out. We certainly didn't expect the same frustration and stress from our pet insurance company and were shocked when they refused Impulse her surgery coverage. However, a close friend, who was a very satisfied Petsecure client, wrote to Petsecure and told them about Impulse's situation, my community volunteer work and recent dealings with human insurance. They asked Petsecure to help Impulse (in whatever way they could) to get her surgery. We received an email just before Christmas 2009 saying "Christmas was coming early for Impulse and that Petsecure would be happy to cover Impulse's surgery." Talk about shocking news and a great Christmas gift. The most shocking part was that were WEREN'T EVEN A Petsecure CLIENT and had never paid out a penny in premiums to them! They didn't know us from Adam. Their actions and agreeing to help us is virtually unheard of in the insurance world, human or four-legged! Petsecure stepped up when my own insurance company simply discarded us as a client after 9 years. Pet Care didn't care about us one bit. But Petsecure did and they made sure we were all taken care of. We didn't even have to see the surgery invoice. They made arrangements directly with my vet to pay the bill in full. What a gift they gave us. Months later, Impulse is back on her feet almost as good as new and I am still shocked and grateful for Petsecure's generosity and continue to look for ways to pay it forward. This comment is one of those ways. Letting you know about the kindness and integrity of Petsecure. Needless to say, I took my old insurance company's voicemail instructions for canceling my policy and followed them to the letter. I then immediately began the process of getting coverage for Impulse with Petsecure. Impulse now has a policy all her own with Petsecure. She will be covered for $2500 per incident or illness per year, and her humans will have some peace of mind. Of course, her pre-existing heart murmur (or conditions resulting because of it) will not be covered, but that was expected. What happened to us doesn't happen everyday - but unexpected things always do, and for when they do happen to your four-legged family member it can be devastating emotionally and financially - pet health insurance helps relieve the burden and provides financially security. For that security, I choose Petsecure.
  • INSURER: Petsecure
  • POSTED: 03/05/2010
  • BY: Romelda
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Excellent service and quick processing of our claim

The customer service provided by Embrace has been excellent. They have exceeded our expectations. The process was filing a claim for our dog's heartworm treatment was easy and the turn around time on processing the claim was very quick. I have been delighted with their response.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 03/04/2010
  • BY: Tom
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5


When we first were looking for insurance for our puppy Newphy Roxy all we heard was - it does not make sense to get pet insurance. It is a waste of money, they do not cover anything or they do not pay. Well, that is not the case with Embrace. When Roxy had to be brought in for emergency surgery the bill was over $4,000. Not only did Embrace pay the actual cost (Minus deductable) of the procedure but we were re-reimbursed within 2 weeks of the procedure. I could not recommend Embrace enough!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 03/04/2010
  • BY: Brian
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

I am so impressed with Embrace!!

I too had another pet insurance company for a few years and was totally dissatisfied with them. It wasn't until I started to research the different pet insurance companies that I realized they were one of the worst rated companies out there. I finally decided it was time for a change and I am so glad that I selected Embrace. I was so impressed with their rating and the comments/reviews that others had posted. On top of that they cover genetic disorders, which few others do. To say their customer service is EXCEPTIONAL is an understatement! I am a Bulldog breeder and as most people probably know they are prone to genetic disorders. I am pleased that I have not experienced any serious health issues with my dogs but it brings me such peace of mind knowing that if something does turn up it will be covered. I have only had Embrace for one month and I'm already a very satisfied customer. I took all of my dogs in for their orthopedic waiver exam and wellness check last Saturday. I emailed the forms to them on Monday and I have already received confirmation that they are covering 100% of the claims and that the money will be direct deposited into my account within the next two business days. It just doesn't get any better than that. I've always recommended pet insurance to people who buy pups from me but from now on I will HIGHLY recommend Embrace. A couple of the families are already in the process of changing from their current pet insurance to Embrace. My only regret is that it took me over two years of frustration with my other pet insurance company before I found Embrace!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 03/04/2010
  • BY: Kim
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Excellent Claim Reimbursement & Service

I purchased Embrace insurance about a year and a half ago for my Labrador puppy. He hasn't had anything major wrong with him (thank goodness), but I have used the insurance A LOT. As soon as you submit the claim you get an email acknowledging that it was received and a response back with your refund promptly within 15 days. I have been extremely happy with the refunds - this company pays out exactly what you deserve and what is stated in the contract. There is no haggling or having to question anything - everything is so straight forward. The customer service representatives are very knowledgeable, friendly and willing to help in any way they can. I really couldn't ask for anything more - Embrace has been simply excellent!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 03/04/2010
  • BY: Carolyn
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Very impressed...glad I made the decision...

I was incredibly impressed with the response of Embrace; fast, courteous, and effective. In researching the top pet insurance companies - I believe that Embrace is the best choice for me and my two pups...
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 03/04/2010
  • BY: J.Mutchler
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Bad Faith

My experience with Embrace has been 50/50, positive and negative. I obtained Embrace immediately after I adopted my dog, and chose the company due to good reviews. However, upon our first emergancy visit to the vet, we were denied coverage. I had been to a vet for my dog's initial check up, of whom cleared him for his orthopedic waiver, and prescribed an antihistamine for his sneezing/gagging. That same evening, it got worse, and sounded like a honking soun. I took him to the 24-hour emergancy vet, and he was diagnosed with kennel cough. Well, interestingly enough, in the doctor's notes (at both vets) when they asked me when the symptoms began, I honestly replied "a couple of days ago". Well, when I filed my claim with Embrace for both vet visits, they were denied. Reason being that the symptoms had begun before my 14-day grace period was up. Nevermind that my 14 day grace period had expired before I took to him to either of the vet facilities. To make matters worse, the vet at the 24-hour hospital wrote in a comment about a luxating patella, which forfieted my orthopedic waiver. When I challenged Embrace on this, they were horrible. They told me in order to get the orthopedic waiver corrected I needed to go to an orthopedic specialist to have him evaluated (another cost). In terms of the kennel cough, the Embrace representative sent me a link to a website highlighting kennel cough and how to avoid it! As if this is what they base thier claim decisions on! I find Embrace to be a business operating in bad faith. Even though I recently submitted a claim that was accepted, I believe it is only time before they deny something else based on some small detail. Now, of course I am stuck with them, as if I were to leave and find another company I suspect we would be told that there are pre-existing conditions that won't be covered.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 03/03/2010
  • BY: Alicia
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Got denied claim overturned on appeal!

I submitted my first claim on my dog in October '09 for surgery to remove two masses that turned out to be non-malignant lipomas. She had never had surgery before. Never had any masses. When I was notified that my claim was being denied because "masses" was a pre-existing condition I was floored - and furious. I had no idea what they were talking about. Then I found out a fragment of a remark made by my vet in my dog's record 8 months earlier (that was partially covered by a photocopy of a prescription), was taken out of context and the claim was denied based on that. My vet was as angry as I was! She wrote a letter to Embrace to appeal the denial. To their credit, I must say, they were very fair in reopening my dog's case and I received an email today from the Head Underwriter of Lloyds of London telling me that she agreed with my vet and I that the claim was wrongly denied. They paid the claim. I am going to keep my insurance with Embrace only because of this. They have proven they will do the right thing, but you - the policy holder - have to stand up for yourself (and your pet!) and fight for it!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 03/03/2010
  • BY: Tammy
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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