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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

A+ Customer Service

I was so pleased with the customer service, fast reimbursement of wellness and great follow-up from the company. I was only a customer for a few days and all this was in a matter of a couple of weeks. I've had other pet insurance in the past, but Embrace excels above all the others, no doubt!!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 08/03/2010
  • BY: Karen
  • BREED: Yorkshire Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Great help in taking good care of your pet.

I have been very thankful to have coverage on my 3-year-old boxer. She seems to have allergies and is a bit of a klutz. I've been able to have the vet take a look at her when, without insurance, I would have been a little more hesitant due to the cost of vet bills. It's a comforting feeling. However, pet insurance works differently than health insurance and you need to make sure you understand the rules, especially in regards to a condition that spans over the renewal date of the policy. It can get a little tricky. However, when it comes down to it, my $35 per month has been
  • POSTED: 08/03/2010
  • BY: Jill
  • BREED: Boxer
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Simple and Reliable

Documents needed for visit very easy to download. Very easy to fill out. Not drowning in paperwork is much appreciated. The vet hospital faxed in the claim, and about 10 days later, got an email saying, the check is on the way. Pretty simple. On a 178.00 bill, I am reimbursed 63.00, and no other song and dance required. I'm a fan of this insurer because they paid out exactly the way they said they would. To the letter.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 08/02/2010
  • BY: Lillian
  • BREED:
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Helpful for Senior Dogs

We were with another pet insurer and switched to ASPCA because they had a better payout and coverage. Our dogs are 9 and 12 and signed up for illness and injury only. I have had good customer service and quick response on being reimbursed.
  • POSTED: 08/02/2010
  • BY: Noelle
  • BREED: Bull Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

We appreciate Pets Health Care

I am so glad I found PetshealthCare on line. We owned two Yorkies before our present pets. Through the years with them, we experienced a few expensive trips to the vet. At three years old, one of them had a brain anurysum (Sp.??) both were spayed , one knee surgery and numerous tumors removed. When we finally had to put them down at 15 and 18 yrs. of age, we signed up for Pets Health Care to help with our new little girls.I feel much more comfortable knowing we are covered.
  • POSTED: 08/02/2010
  • BY: Kathy
  • BREED: Yorkshire Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Attack by bobcat

My cat was attacked by a bobcat several months ago. He had long scratches on his back and numerous lacerations and puncture wounds. His veterinarian shaved him and stitched him up (this took several hours)and my husband and I cared for him for weeks afterwards, giving him fluid and antibiotics. He is now fully recovered, but much more cautious. I'm so thankful that I had ASPCA pet insurance. It paid half of a very large vet bill. Carol Pedersen
  • POSTED: 07/30/2010
  • BY: Carol
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5


Very Highly Recommended!

My Bernese Mountain Dog was getting older, and I had been thinking about pet insurance for awhile. I did some research, and settled on Trupanion for a number of reasons - there were no disease caps (just a lifetime cap of $20,000, which they've apparently now gotten rid of), the reimbursement was 90% compared to the 70 or 80% of other plans, and the premiums were the same or even less than other plans for better coverage. I signed up with Trupanion in January. In February, I took my dog in for some vomiting after eating an old bone, and in March for his annual physical. In April I took him back for a dental cleaning, and they noticed some swelling on his toe. Some testing revealed a cancerous mast cell tumor. After consulting with oncologists at a major veterinary hospital in Boston, he had surgery to amputate the toe. I was worried that Trupanion would call this a pre-existing condition, and steeled myself for having my claim rejected, knowing at least how human health insurance companies work. But I went ahead anyway - filled out the one-page form, had my vet sign, got a copy of his records since it was my first claim, and attached the invoices and sent it off - the process was very easy. A week later, the claim was approved and reimbursement sent without any argument. Unfortunately, the biopsy and other testing after the surgery revealed some cancer cells on the two adjacent toes, so he had a three-week course of radiation, which was hugely expensive.
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 07/29/2010
  • BY: Chris
  • BREED: Bernese Mountain Dog
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5


Very Highly Recommended!

My Bernese Mountain Dog was getting older, and I had been thinking about pet insurance for awhile. I did some research, and settled on Trupanion for a number of reasons - there were no disease caps (just a lifetime cap of $20,000, which they've apparently now gotten rid of), the reimbursement was 90% compared to the 70 or 80% of other plans, and the premiums were the same or even less than other plans for better coverage. I signed up with Trupanion in January. In February, I took my dog in for some vomiting after eating an old bone, and in March for his annual physical. In April I took him back for a dental cleaning, and they noticed some swelling on his toe. Some testing revealed a cancerous mast cell tumor. After consulting with oncologists at a major veterinary hospital in Boston, he had surgery to amputate the toe. I was worried that Trupanion would call this a pre-existing condition, and steeled myself for having my claim rejected, knowing at least how human health insurance companies work. But I went ahead anyway - filled out the one-page form, had my vet sign, got a copy of his records since it was my first claim, and attached the invoices and sent it off - the process was very easy. A week later, the claim was approved and reimbursement sent without any argument. Unfortunately, the biopsy and other testing after the surgery revealed some cancer cells on the two adjacent toes, so he had a three-week course of radiation, which was hugely expensive.
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 07/29/2010
  • BY: Chris
  • BREED: Bernese Mountain Dog
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Worth every penny!!!!

We have Embrace Pet Insurance for 5 out of our 6 animals (other cat is too old). At first I was a bit discouraged by all the detailed history I had to ask my vet to print out & fax to Embrace (2 yrs worth for each animal). But I am glad to say it is only a one time process so they can establish each pets medical history. After filing my first few claims, that minor annoyance was long forgotten when we got refunds totalling $659.23!! The wellness rewards is probably the greatest benefit. There is no waiting period & it covers $200 per animal per year for all the little things that add up. We spent a total of $1124.90 on 4 dogs, in a span of 2 weeks (vaccines, heartworm prevention, blood work, spay/neutering). Let me reiterate...We are getting back $659.23!!!!! There was no hassel. They received my claim via fax & the next day I received an email telling me to expect my checks! It was like Christmas! I highly recommend Embrace for all pet owners! If you love your pets as much as I do, you undoubtedly spend alot of money at the vet. Finally, pet owners are being rewarded for being responsible!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 07/29/2010
  • BY: Shannon
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

A pedigree dog requires good insurance

When we decided to invest in a kennel club pedigree golden retriever we also decided that we had to protect our investment. We reviewed a number of medical insurance companies on line but it was confusing. Our vet had Embrace brochures available in the waiting room. Coverage levels were simply explained leaving us to make the decision which level we wanted. My calls to Embrace have always been courteous and helpful. Although paper work is just like human medical claims we have not had the delays human claims have. But so far we have not had a major medical claim only a Wellness claim - and that coverage should be a no brainer for any owner of a loved pet.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 07/29/2010
  • BY: Chris
  • BREED: Golden Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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