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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

So glad I chose to make this investment!

As economic times got tough, my employer cut hours and wages. My dog, Gustavo, has always been very healthy, but was getting older. I did not know how I would be able to pay for major veterinary expenses with the money I was making. I had tried once before to insure Gustavo, but was told by that insurance provider that my dog was too old. Applying for insurance ASPCA was a quick and hassle free process, and they insured my dog at 10 years of age. I have since filed two claims, one for a tail injury, and the other for a check up when Gustavo seemed lethargic. Each time I called for assistance or had questions, I was connected to a very knowledgeable, patient and sweet pet insurance agent, who answered all of my questions. Both claims were processed in a timely manner. I do not know how I could have afforded these two vet bills had it not been for the assistance of the ASPCA Pet Insurance. It has proven to be an excellent decision.
  • POSTED: 08/08/2010
  • BY: Beate
  • BREED: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Pets best gave my dog extra time

Pets Best gave my dog 10 1/2 extra months. he was diagnosed with cancer and only given 3 months to live. Read his story at payment and turnaround in 10 days really helped my finances
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 08/08/2010
  • BY: Beth
  • BREED: Labrador Mix
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Never thought I'd need to use it this soon.

With the addition of a rescued Yorkshire Terrier puppy to our family I thought the time was right to insure this "little terror". Finley came to us after being too much to handle for his previous owner. He is high strung, rambunctious, extremely active and cute as can be. I figured if any pet might need coverage,it would be this little guy. I never imagined I wuold need the coverage so soon. Somehow Finley broke his tibia and injured the growth plate in his leg. (We think it might have been from doing acrobatics off the furniture.) After several Vet visits we found out he had actually broken the bone rather than spraining his ACL. Embrace has pocessed the claim quickly and without hesitation. We also had Finley neutered and microchipped and received our reimbursment from his Wellness coverage in a timely manner as well. Needless to say getting the coverage has been a godsend. Thank you for everything...and Finley is back to being his gregarious self!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 08/08/2010
  • BY: Leslie
  • BREED: Yorkshire Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Glad I did it!

My husband and I have 2 Basset Hounds. We just got married and bought a house. Money is very tight! I wanted to get pet insurance for a long time but put it off because I didn't think I thad the extra money. I did my research and knew when I did finally get them enrolled I wanted Embrace; because it got the best reviews. This past June I enrolled both of the dogs and it wasn't as expensive as I thought it was going to be. They both have full coverage and I don't have to worry about something happening to them and not being able to afford it. I like how prompt the representatives are, the fact that everything is email and I don't have to worry about calling them back and they are always very nice. I'm so glad and relieved I made the decision to enroll them!!!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 08/08/2010
  • BY: Regina
  • BREED: Basset Hound
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Fabulous company - highly recommend!

My girl Precious(Anatolian/golden mix) had 2 mammary tumors removed, and they ended up being cancerous. Knowing I have a great insurance plan makes it easy to make the decision on her care. Over $1900 in charges, I received almost $1500 back fairly quickly. Thank you PetsBest!
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 08/08/2010
  • BY: Tracy
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Foxtail embedded in nose

One evening my sheepdog and I were relaxing, when suddenly without warning, he jumped about three feet into the air and began to sneeze violently. I knew that the only foreign body to produce such a clinical picture was a foxtail.I drove him to the ED, where the doctor examined him, but couldn't find the foxtail, I reluctantly took him home. The following morning, he sneezed out a blood clot. This time I took him to his regular doctor, where under anesthesia he removed the largest foxtail I had ever seen. He's been fine ever since. My medical bill was for $260.00, his ASPCA insurance covered 60%. I've have had several scares with my sheep dog, but thanks th ASPCA insurance, I don't have to worry, because I know they are there for my dog at any cost. He has been insured since he was a puppy, and I'm glad he is. I am very grateful, Thank you ASPCA you really care about animals.
  • POSTED: 08/08/2010
  • BY: Dr.
  • BREED: Old English Sheepdog
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Greyhounds are not graceful off the track!

I have been more than happy with ASPCA. Trips to the Vet are costly and when my clumsy Boys have an accident, I have been pleasantly surprised with the polite, professional and financial help we have received.
  • POSTED: 08/08/2010
  • BY: Gale
  • BREED: Greyhound
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Rapid acknowledgement of claim followed by quck re

This is the first time I have had pet insurance and I couldn't be more pleased with the services received for both of my dogs. Each time I've needed to file a claim, Embrace quickly informed me, via e-mail, of receipt of the claim and gave me an estimate of when to expect reimbursement. The two times I've made a claim, the check arrived either within that time frame or earlier. In addition, communication with office staff has always been easy and pleasant. I would not hesitate to recommend Embrace and in fact, have recently recommended them to my Vet who said she would put literature for Embrace in her office.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 08/08/2010
  • BY: G.
  • BREED: Schapendoes
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5


Okay, I'm the traditional skeptic but when two collie puppies joined our household last year I decided to purchase pet insurance. The first year policy ended on July 21 and one of the dogs was injured on July 22. Luckily, the policy was on automatic renewal. The outcome? *Amazing customer service *Claim forms with pet information and insurance ID info already filled in and down-loadable as pdf files. *Exceptional turn-around time. -7/30 faxed both dogs medical hx and vet notes -7/4 EOB completed(wellness benefits reviewed, too!) -7/5 phone in direct deposit info -7/7 claims completely paid and money in bank! *$857 vet bill covered as stated at 10% copay less $100 annual deductible *annual wellness plan benefit pd full amt per dog The customer service was phenomenal that included rapid email communication and courteous HUMAN telephone assistance.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 08/07/2010
  • BY: Mary
  • BREED: Collie
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Wonderful insurance

I've had 4 claims over a 3 year period with Pets Best. It has been easy to file claims, and they have always covered the entire bill without question, minus my $75 deductible and 20% copay. Last year I got back the premium amount because of one foxtail-in-the-nose incident (ouch) and a concern that Hannah was losing weight, which necessitated blood tests. For the foxtail, I had to take Hannah to 2 different vets because it didn't look like the first vet solved the problem. They waived the $75 deductible on the second visit because it was considered the same incident. I was so pleased, this year I purchased insurance for my new (to me) second dog, Roxie. She was clawed by another dog about 10 days ago and had a big incision. Again, they covered it promptly. Unfortunately I didn't have pet insurance for Roxie when she developed nerve cancer right after I adopted her--so I paid for treatment myself. And although her policy considers nerve cancer a preexisting condition, it will cover her if she develops another kind of cancer. It's nice to have the peace of mind that the girls will be covered for unforeseen illnesses and injuries, especially as they get older. Roxie is 8 and Hannah is 11.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 08/06/2010
  • BY: Judi
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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