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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

There when you need it....

It's kind of like having a Home pay the premiums and pay and pay, and THEN your A/C goes out. As my Weimeraner gets older, I'm glad I have it. I have the Primary Plan, which is right in the middle of policies. I do wish more was covered w/this plan, but I'm happy to get the reimbursements that come to me. Knowledge is power!
  • POSTED: 09/24/2010
  • BY: Pam
  • BREED: Weimaraner
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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This past summer my 16 month old matipoo Raymond was enjoying the back yard with his brother Robert. They love to run and chase each other. That same evening I noticed Raymond was unusually quiet and he hardly touched his dinner. Lately that evening he began to vomit and become listless. He proceeded to vomit most of the night. The next morning I rushed him the vet and he discovered that he had swallowed a rock. Unfortunately the rock would not pass on its own and Raymond would need surgery. The surgery cost $1,160.10 and my ASPCA pet insurance covered $884.23 of it. I am so thankful that Raymond’s surgery was successful and that I had health insurance coverage for him. Thanks ASPCA for the wonderful service and peace of mind. Elizabeth Sposito
  • POSTED: 09/23/2010
  • BY: elizabeth
  • BREED: Maltese
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

All that I thought it would be

We recently took a trip to Georgia to visit our daughter and her family. During our stay our dog Nico who is a Shih Tzu became ill. We didn't know how serious it was until the third day when he stopped eating and began vomiting and diarrhea with blood. It happened to be the fourth of July weekend and the only vet that was opened was the emergency vet. We took Nico and they diagnosed him to have a upper GI infection and that he would have to stay overnight. They estimated the bill to be approximately $700. The doctor said he would let us talk about it before making a decision. In our eyes there was nothing to talk about. We wanted Nico to have the kind of treatment he needed no matter what. The vets were great with him. He stayed overnight and was treated with antibiotics, IV for liquids and also for food. After picking him up and making the trip back home, I submitted the bill to ASPCA and they were all I thought they would be. The vets gave us an itemized bill for his stay which came to 697.00. I turned this into the insurance and within 4 weeks they covered 80% minus my deductible. We didn't need to choose like most of us do when you are presented with an emergency illness. Pet insurance should be the first thing you think about when buying an animal. I would not be without the coverage and peace of mind.
  • POSTED: 09/23/2010
  • BY: Barbara
  • BREED: Shih Tzu
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

As bad as you can get

I had this company for over 8 yrs..never filed any claims..i was pets had not gotten sick. My policy period started on march 1st. This company starts the policy period over EVERY year. My cat was diagnosed with kidney failure on march i should have been covered for ALL of his bills that entire year..BUT Petshealth said that even though he was diagnosed on the 17th of march..the condition was there prior to the policy period of march 1st. In other words they didn't want to pay. They said that even though i didn't know about the kidney failure in there opinion it was there before the 1st of march and therefore was NOT covered. So then i sued in small claims court. Before the court day their attorney called and said i was going to lose,,,i said i'll take my chances..the attorney said that i had to prove the cat wasn't sick before the 1st of march...i told him..NO I'M SUING YOU...YOU HAVE TO PROVE THAT HE WAS SICK BEFORE THAT....let's just say they settled out of court..and the following year they chose not renew any of my policies. I now have gopetplan and there just isn't anything better out the reviews on them and everything is true..they simply are the best AND in some states they insure older animals...i was able to insure my 15 yr olds!
  • POSTED: 09/23/2010
  • BY: Lee
  • BREED: Domestic Shorthair
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Great to have for your pet

This is the first time I had pet insurance and I have found it great to have. Both of my dogs were sick this year one had dog flue and one had pneumonia and the doctor bills sure can mount up so it sure helps to have pet insurance to help out.
  • POSTED: 09/23/2010
  • BY: Joan
  • BREED: Dachshunds
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5


If it wasn't for aspca insurance for t-bone and painter I would not beable to maintain their good health, especiallt with t-bone with his ear infections since he has long ears. MY vet even comends the aspca health insurance, he say's it is the best. THANX AGAIN ASPCA Roberta Simpson and t-bone and painter
  • POSTED: 09/23/2010
  • BY: Roberta
  • BREED: Bloodhound
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Poor coverage

My older lab developed cancer. We were told we could extend her life with surgery and chemo. We went ahead and had the surgery, but we were too late, and lost her a week later. ASPCA insurance has a PER INCIDENT maximum. They counted all her exams as well as the surgery as a single incident. We were only reimbursed for a fraction of the cost. I recommend that you look for insurance that does not include the per incident maximum. (They also only covered "reasonable costs" which were usually far less than my vet charged.)
  • POSTED: 09/23/2010
  • BY: Holly
  • BREED: Labrador Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Your dog deserves the best

My dog had a reaction within a half-hour of having had a rabies shot. She got extremely sick in the car going home. Having had a previous history of pancreatitis, I decided to take no chances. I turned around and went right back to the vet's office. A complete medical panel was done including ALT, ALKP, AMYL, BUN, CREA, GLU. Fortunately, everything was negative. It so happens that the cost of doing this complete panel was just about the cost of the deductible on her policy. However, the ASPCA customer service representative assured me that if my dog continued to have any further reactions to the vaccine to please submit a claim because everything else would now be covered. I wouldn't hesitate to give my dog the best treatment regardless of whether she did or did not have insurance, but it was a nice feeling to know that the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance plan was there to help inany case. I would recommend them highly.
  • POSTED: 09/23/2010
  • BY: Robert
  • BREED: Yorkshire Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

ASPCA a Fabulous Investment

I am the proud owner of 3 dogs and a cat. Shortly after I adopted my pug puppy, he jumped off a step and broke his growth plate, requiring surgery. It cost me over $3,000 out of my own pocket. I decided then and there to purchase insurance from ASPCA. About 10 months later, my cat got sick and it turned out she had a golfball sized struvite stone in her bladder. For a 4 pound cat, that was giant. We had her surgery, and made the claim to ASPCA. Within 4 weeks, we were reimbursed and the entire incident only cost us about $150 out of pocket. Not 6 months later, my border collie required surgery for struvite stones. If you love your pet and plan to provide good medical care for them, you're asking for trouble by not carrying insurance.
  • POSTED: 09/22/2010
  • BY: Chasey
  • BREED: Domestic Longhair
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Shady, Ignorant and Dishonest

When I adopted my puppy, he had a bacterial skin infection known as Pyoderma, which Embrace did not cover as it was pre-existing. Fine. 9 months later, my dog began to lick his paws, which the vet determined was due to allergies. Since both pyoderma and allergies share a symptom- itchy skin- Embrace has denied my claim for allergies and is saying that it's a "pre-existing condition" even though my dog was never previously diagnosed with or treated for allergies. It's absolutely ridiculous, I couldn't be more displeased or dissatisfied- they took over 2 weeks to respond to my claim and didn't even do their homework regarding my dog's previous conditions. BE FOREWARNED- all that glitters is not gold, and Embrace DOES NOT deliver what they promise.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 09/22/2010
  • BY: Catie
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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