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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

the best I've found

Embrace has been mainly excellent with me. I've submitted 3 (sets of) claims. The first one turned out a bit difficult - maybe because it was my first claim since I got insurance for my dogs, maybe because it was quite large (I found a cancer on my dog's thyroid gland - very scary) - but I really needed the money in the time frame they said it would come. I had emptied my savings in order to cover the surprise surgery, and was carefully budgeting time and money. It made things incredibly difficult when the money arrived about 1.5 weeks later than they said it would, even after I checked with them by phone several times. That said, everyone I talked with was really lovely. Embrace employees are nice people, and it doesn't feel at all like a faceless business. But it wasn't until I called for the 3rd (4th?) time, and explained that my situation was very urgent, that someone actually got on the case (they'd said they started over a week before, but as it turns out, the claim hadn't been examined at all) - at which point it was finished in a matter of hours. And that claim, once it was started, was fully reimbursed - and I even got a call from the guy who worked on it to make sure it all worked out okay. After that, the two claims I submitted were reimbursed (again, fully) incredibly quickly - the first in two days, the second in about a week. There's been nothing to complain about, nothing petty, nothing confusing. I had VPI for my last dog, and whi
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 09/26/2010
  • BY: Terri
  • BREED: Dalmatian
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

My baby kitty

I got pet insurance for my cat when my friends cat got his tail chopped off in a door, poor kitty right?? Well she had to pay about 1,500 for a tail docking surgery and different meds. When she told me about that I immediately began thinking about things that my cat,Tiger, does. WOW he is one all way the place cat. on the table off the table runnung and slipping thru my rooms ( i have hard wood floors), also a dog that plays rough! What if something like that happened to my Tiger?? I couldnt afford that and have no credit cards that i could put any expense like that on. Soo I went to the vet to get him his normal shots and i saw the pamphlet for ASPCA healthcare for cats. I looked through the pamphlet and then decided to go online and "check it out." I was looking for accident insurance which is very inexpensive and is perfect for wat im looking for. I decided that I needed to call my fiancee and see what he thought about the insurance. I wasnt off the computer 2 minutes when the phone rang and an ASPCA represative called and said " i noticed you just checked out insurance for tiger? do u have any questions?" and since i did it was soo awesome to me that they called and actually asked me if I had any questions instead of having to wait to call them and be on hold for a represative. So far i havent had any "accidents" but I'm glad that my baby boy has something in case he does fall and hurt himself.
  • POSTED: 09/26/2010
  • BY: Morgan
  • BREED: Domestic Shorthair
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

The best investment I've ever made !

My experience with ASPCA insurance has been nothing less than perfect. The process of filing a claim could not be any easier and turn around time is excellent. More importantly it gives me the security of knowing I can get the best possible care for my dog. I have had 2 dogs on this insurance plan sadly I lost my Rotti suddenly a year ago I dont know what I would have done without the insurance. I now have my American Bulldog on the plan and thank goodness for that because this last year has been rough for her. The people who I've spoken with at ASPCA insurance are absolutly precious they are so caring and its quite obvious they truly love animals. Its not just a business for them you can tell by talking with them they love animals as much as we all do and want only the best for our pets. Very compassionate people who love what they do.
  • POSTED: 09/25/2010
  • BY: Kristen
  • BREED: American Bulldog
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Transparent, responsive and professional

After researching various insurance options for a healthy 5 year old bloodhound I chose Embrace because of the recommendations of other dog owners, the variety of its plans and the fact that payment is based on the vet's actual bill and not some unpublished schedule of fees. I actually liked the fact that when you sign up you fax your dog's medical records and Embrace will tell you upfront what they will not cover--if you don't like the answer they will give you your money back and allow you to cancel the policy so there are no surprises. Soon after I took out the policy, which I thought I would not use much, it seemed like every other week my dog came down with something--including an unprovoked attack by an off leash dog that required surgery. I honestly thought I would get a letter canceling the policy or hassle about the claims but to my amazement Embrace was great and their process allows you to follow a claim. When I or my vet fax a claim I receive an email acknowledgement that it has been recived. Within a few weeks or less I receive the analysis of the claim and the payment due to me (with the name of someone to speak with if I disagree) and shortly thereafter I receive a check. And periodically I receive an email to make sure I actually received the checks. Embrace covered everything they said would cover and there have been no problems because of these unforseen health issues. I strongly recommend Embrace. Every penny of their premiums are worth it when your dog g
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 09/25/2010
  • BY: Elizabeth
  • BREED: Bloodhound
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Beyond expections!

My dog was injured by someone leaving broken glass in the bushes, requiring emergency surgery. After that, follow-up visits (we're on our third so far) for splint change, medication, and stitch removal. To my surprise I got two checks in the mail already - not even three weeks after the accident - that will pay for nearly everything after our $100 deductible. I am delighted and so happy ... glad I kept this up, especially in a year where I was unemployed for nearly half of it. Cannot recommend enough!
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 09/24/2010
  • BY: Chessie
  • BREED: American Staffordshire Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Embrace is the Best!

I had another insurance company for my 4 Great Danes before I switched to Embrace. Last year, one of my Danes had a tumor on her foot that eventually resulted in the amputation of a toe. I was very disappointed in the reimbursement I received based on a fee schedule, not the actual cost of services. The company that claimed 80% reimbursement actually ended up paying about than 50% of my costs. After researching online, I decided to switch to Embrace. Two months after switching over, my one year old Great Dane developed prostatitis and a UTI that didn't resolve on antibiotics. My veterinarian recommended a neuter. Unfortunately, he had a clotting disorder that we were not aware of. He bled after surgery, went into hypovolemic shock, and developed a heart arrhythmia. He nearly died. He received emergency care at my regular veterinarian, then transferred to a 24 hour emergency clinic, then was hospitalized for 4 days in ICU at a large referral hospital. Knowing I had Embrace allowed me to concentrate on getting him the medical care he needed without worrying about how I would pay for it. I was with him through his entire recovery and he is now home and 100% better. My claim was handled quickly and efficiently with good communication. Best of all, Embrace did just what they said they would. They paid 80% of my costs after the deductible was met. I If still had the other company, I would have ended up paying thousands of dollars more.I am a veterinary technician
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 09/24/2010
  • BY: Jeanne
  • BREED: Great Dane
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5


dog got a wart of her lip which grew quite large took dog to vet... Vet biopsed wart and removed total claim was allowed and my deductable was taken out... Embraced paid Overall happy customer
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 09/24/2010
  • BY: Eric
  • BREED: Dogue De Bordeaux
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Fanatastic Service with Professionalism and Speed

We never had a pet before, but knew that once our little dog came into our lives, he was a member of the family. With Embrace, we are able to take care of him and address any health issues right away rather than waiting to see what develops. The follow-through and professionalism of the Embrace staff is amazing.I have recommended Embrace to my family and friends. Keep up the great job!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 09/24/2010
  • BY: Nancy
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Bella's 1st check-up

Bella is our 2nd dog, we had a Pom, name CoCo. I regret not having Health ins. for CoCo many times. When we decided, CoCo was too old, and we learned from that experience. Bella is now the new member of our family and with any family member, you want to cover every base needed for the "Well Being" of your family. ASPCA gave us very affordable rates, and their rep. have been very helpful assisting us with our questions and needs. ASPCA has quickly email us with response to Bella's and our needs. We thank God that there is affordable health ins. for our "Bella"
  • POSTED: 09/24/2010
  • BY: Portia
  • BREED: Yorkshire Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Excellent plan with routine coverage

We've had this policy for the past 4 years, since her other policy wouldn't cover her after she turned 10, even though we'd had their policy for 8 years! With the other policy every time we had a claim they used the diagnosis to put a rider on the next year's claim so that it wouldn't be covered again. This plan has paid for all claims, subject to $50 deductible per incident and then 90% payable. They have paid fast and never questioned any claim. I highly recommend them since they pay 90% of the vet's fee, not 90% of the U & C.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 09/24/2010
  • BY: Cheyanne's
  • BREED: Sheltie
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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