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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

Great Insurance

People laugh when I tell them I have pet health insurance but we laugh last!! After purchasing our first puppy who was sick every time we turned around we started looking for insurance to help cover his vet cost. Of course when we got the insurance he started to be healthy once again. Then on Christmas Day he was playing and broke a toe nail and we discovered a lump in the back of his neck. We were at the vet 3 days later and surgery was done to remove the tumor and thanks to Trupanion they covered 90% of this bill. After all was said and done we only had to pay $53.50 for his surgery instead of the full amount. Love this company and I tell everyone I can about them!!!!!
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 01/20/2011
  • BY: Tank
  • BREED: Labrador Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Great Insurance

People laugh when I tell them I have pet health insurance but we laugh last!! After purchasing our first puppy who was sick every time we turned around we started looking for insurance to help cover his vet cost. Of course when we got the insurance he started to be healthy once again. Then on Christmas Day he was playing and broke a toe nail and we discovered a lump in the back of his neck. We were at the vet 3 days later and surgery was done to remove the tumor and thanks to Trupanion they covered 90% of this bill. After all was said and done we only had to pay $53.50 for his surgery instead of the full amount. Love this company and I tell everyone I can about them!!!!!
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 01/20/2011
  • BY: Tank
  • BREED: Labrador Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Wellness Claim

Service was amazing, took only about a week to process the claim, and the whole way the costomer service is wonderful!! So happy to know the Belle has great insurance! So glad we made the right choice!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/20/2011
  • BY: Rachel
  • BREED: Redbone Coonhound
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Great first time experience

I've had this insurance for a little over a year, but this was my first time making a claim. Every representative I was in contact with was very helpful and courteous and made the process as painless as possible. I am very happy with my experience and the company.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/20/2011
  • BY: Theresa
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Watch your credit card statements!

We had Trupanion for several months and made a few claims (nothing huge, no surgeries, etc.). About 9 months after inception of the policy, I received a call from a supervisor saying that Trupanion had accidentally forgotten to charge their customers' credit cards for several months -pretty loose accounting practices (I hadn't noticed as my husband handles them). The customer service supervisor gave me the option of continuing the policy and getting those months caught up by my paying them, or cancelling the policy altogether (even though I had made claims during that period). I decided to cancel the insurance as it was very expensive for our dog $84/month, and we weren't using it much. Fast forward seven months later. Today we received seven charges (all dated the same date) on our credit card bill, each $84. I called Trupanion and they argued that I needed to repay them what they had forgotten to bill me last year. I told them about the conversation I had with the supervisor last year. I also asked them why are they are trying to charge me NOW for those months? They replied, "Our end-of-year accounting showed that we never did." So, their accounting department has made two pretty serious errors on the same account, and I'm supposed to pay for it?
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 01/20/2011
  • BY: Dee
  • BREED: Great Pyrenees
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Watch your credit card statements!

We had Trupanion for several months and made a few claims (nothing huge, no surgeries, etc.). About 9 months after inception of the policy, I received a call from a supervisor saying that Trupanion had accidentally forgotten to charge their customers' credit cards for several months -pretty loose accounting practices (I hadn't noticed as my husband handles them). The customer service supervisor gave me the option of continuing the policy and getting those months caught up by my paying them, or cancelling the policy altogether (even though I had made claims during that period). I decided to cancel the insurance as it was very expensive for our dog $84/month, and we weren't using it much. Fast forward seven months later. Today we received seven charges (all dated the same date) on our credit card bill, each $84. I called Trupanion and they argued that I needed to repay them what they had forgotten to bill me last year. I told them about the conversation I had with the supervisor last year. I also asked them why are they are trying to charge me NOW for those months? They replied, "Our end-of-year accounting showed that we never did." So, their accounting department has made two pretty serious errors on the same account, and I'm supposed to pay for it?
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 01/20/2011
  • BY: Dee
  • BREED: Great Pyrenees
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Extremely grateful to have ASPCA Pet Insurance!

Last year my sweet adopted dog,Spot became very I'll. She had a severe kidney infection that required much medical attention. I was trying to work and take care of Spot-every pay check was going towards her health care and as I saved the bills to hopefully be reimbursed for a portion of her care I didn't have time to send in her claims. As soon as Spot finished a six week round of antibiotics the vet told me she had another infection. This went on for six months. One night when I arrived home from work Spot seemed unusually energetic. I thought wow this is great -she was racing around full of energy and I thought finally she is feeling better than ever. Unfortunately when I went into another room I saw a few left over crumbs that had been part of a very rich chocolate birthday cake. I called an emergency care clinic and described her symptoms and needless to say she spent the night receiving more care. Meanwhile she continued to get reoccurring bladder and kidney infections and was sent to a specialists-more tests-and I was really worried about Spot and of course it was getting out of hand financially. I was out of my home state at the time and after finishing up my seasonal job I returned home and consulted my vet who consulted all the vets that had taken care of Spot. A plan was put in place to give her antibiotics the first five days of each month and I am very happy to say that she is once again healthy and back to her energetic self. When I arrived home I put all her med
  • POSTED: 01/19/2011
  • BY: Deedie
  • BREED: Beagle
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Fast response!

Embrace reimbursed our wellness claim for flea & tick medication fast and without any problems. The customer service folks are a joy to work with and I would highly recommend this product.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/19/2011
  • BY: Lauren
  • BREED: Maltese
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Don't enter your phone number online!

I really do like the ASPCA plans and their U&C way of reimbursing is by far better than most out there. Even the companies that claim to pay 90% of the vet bill do have a limit on what they reimburse. However, if you are just browsing the web and enter your phone number for a quote THEY WILL CALL YOU withing seconds if you don't enroll. I found this very irritating and the hype over the "special offer" is just a free trial with a bunch of exclusions. ASPCA would be better off just letting truly interested folks call in for themselves. I also thing a company representing the ASPCA should cover some hereditary conditions. Even a limit of $500 like the others do would be better than nothing. After all, the ASPCA is all about RESCUES and most rescues have limited health history or were from puppy mills, BYB'ers etc. The owner and rescuer should get a little help and a break. As I stated, good plans but don't enter your phone # online!
  • POSTED: 01/18/2011
  • BY: Liza
  • BREED: Alaskan Malamute
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Healthy Paws is AMAZING!

We recently got our adorable little puppy and very soon found out that the costs really started adding up with each vet visit. We are so so happy that we found Healthy Paws! While each of our vet visits have been adding up to between $200 - 300, we found that in a matter of one vet visit we had already managed to pay the annual deductible and gotten a very prompt email letting us know that we had a check in the mail for the remaining 90% that was covered. The insurance has more than paid for itself and it is amazing to have the peace of mind that we aren't breaking the bank every time we have to take our puppy in for another one of his many episodes (eating something he isn't supposed to or other issues that develop with age). Also, we have heard of so many people who have paid tens of thousands because they have a dog with cancer or one that has been in a car accident. It makes me feel much better that I won't have to make the choice between my life's savings and my dog's health/life... all for less than I pay monthly for my cell phone bill! So so happy again that we found Healthy Paws! It is nice to know that there is a prompt friendly service like this one that rewards people for being contentious pet owners. Thanks guys! :)
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 01/18/2011
  • BY: Faye
  • BREED: Golden Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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