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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

Trupanion is a must have!

We rescued Lola from a family that could no longer take care of her when she was 12 weeks old. She was a very sweet puppy, but didn’t have a very spirited personality. We figured that it was due to her breed, and didn’t think too much of it. As she grew we started to notice the tell-tale “bunny hop” that often points to a hip injury and brought her in for some x-rays. The films revealed that she suffered from hip displaysia so sever e that both of her femoral heads were completely out of socket and were essentially being held into place by muscle and skin. The next step was to visit our local veterinary orthopedic surgeon, and they told us that surgery should be scheduled ASAP. They also told us that the total cost for both hips to be replaced would be roughly $10,000. My husband and I love our animals very much, but if not for Trupanion we would not have been able to afford the surgery. Lola had her first hip replaced in February of 2011, and her second one replaced in May. We started to notice the change in her personality immediately! She was starting to act like a puppy for the first time. We soon realized that Lola was not an especially mellow dog as we had previously assumed. She was simply in constant pain due to her hips, and as soon as that pain went away she was able to act like herself. We are so thankful for Trupanion for having such great rates, great service, and for giving Lola the chance to be a puppy.
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 10/13/2011
  • BY: Natalie
  • BREED: Saint Bernard
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

First Claim- very satisfied.

I submitted my first wellness claim for my dog. I was impressed that I recieved all $200.00 owed to me based on my wellness benefits. For a year and half, I was a customer of a competitor, where more than half of my expenses were not reiembursed because they followed a benefit schedule and the prices in my area exceeded what they remiembursed. Needless to say, I am very happy with Embrace. Part of my claim was also applied to my $200.00 deductable, no questions asked and was very fair. It took about two weeks for my claim to go through, but I was personally written emails updating me on why it was taking two weeks. They were training new employees. I like that I recieved emails updating me. I was able to respond back to the emails with any questions. It was a very personable experiance.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 10/13/2011
  • BY: Sharon
  • BREED: Labrador Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Glad I Got Insurance

Recently I got 2 little Maltese puppies at 6 weeks old. Some people recommended I get insurence. Some people (who also have dogs) said it was a rip off and cheaper to just pay the vet bills over-all. I signed up for Embrace but was thinking about canceling it. Soooooo glad I didn't! 2 days after the insurence kicked in I came home to find a lethargic very sick little puppy with out any appetite. He was vomiting and couldn't keep food down. I rushed him to the vet and my bill ran up to over $1200. The claim was very easy to fill out and send in and they covered $781 of it. Definately Not Going To Cancel! It really paid off and its nice to know its there when you really need it :)
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 10/13/2011
  • BY: Mina
  • BREED: Maltese
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Bogus pre-exiting conditions

I tried PetSecure for 6 months. It was a constant fight regarding my dog's so called "pre-existing" conditions. They were not reading my vet's records correctly and as hard as I tried they would not take the time to re-read the documents. Finally when they refused a claim for a condition they had already paid for, I cancelled. They later reexamined the claim and paid the amount. Also, from a letter I received from them, they do not recommend yearly dental cleaning however their brochure states that they pay for this. Since they do not listen to their clients, I will move on the Trupanion.
  • INSURER: Petsecure
  • POSTED: 10/13/2011
  • BY: Suzanne
  • BREED: Toy Poodle
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Glad we have Embrace

We have an older dog who we've spent about $7500.00 on in the last two years due to cancer. Of course, she doesn't have any insurance, so it's all been out of our pockets. So when we got another dog, I immediately decided to get him insurance. I'm so glad I did! My thinking was to get coverage for emergencies, not for preventive care. So we got a $500.00 deductible, 80% coverage, maximum $10,000 per year policy. So far, he's had to visit the vet three or four times for various semi-emergencies including a bee sting reaction and dermatitis. The customer service at Embrace is very good, and I just received an email today that we had met our deductible, and a check is on the way. This is the first time we've bought pet insurance, but after comparison reading of plans (we considered VPI and Trupanion also) Embrace seemed like the best one for us. Even if for some reason you decided to go with another company, I would say get pet insurance. You don't want to have to decide on what treatment to give your beloved pet solely based on money. Insurance gives you options.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 10/12/2011
  • BY: Liz
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

RIP-OFF!!! say NO to ASPC Pet Insurance

I am the sad owner of this pet insurance policy. My Collie had a gastric attack that required emergency vet care. He was diagnosed with Pancreatitis and deathly ill. Total cost was $2,400. I was confident that his pet insurance would take care of 90% of the bill. WHAT A JOKE! I submitted the claim and did not hear for nine weeks. I had to call customer service and although I had submitted the billing statement from the vet, they wanted more info from the vet. Never contacted me, and so I waited and waited and waited. NEXT JOKE- They reinbursed 1,571.00 because that was the anual limit! They tell you about lifetime limits but never about annual limits. WHAT A RIP-OFF!!! Now I can look elsewhere, but this condition will not be covered.PEOPLE, THEY ONLY COVER A PERCENT OF EACH MEDICAL CHARGE. BUYER BEWARE!!! I have another provider-24 PetWatch- on my Sheltie and they are the best. Fast turnaround, refund exactly what I expect.
  • POSTED: 10/12/2011
  • BY: Karen
  • BREED: Collie
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Embrace is the best pet insurance out there

My pup only has the illness/emergency coverage, but we could not be more pleased with the service we've received. Winston is 2 and a half and has been pretty healthy. Every time he has an illness or emergency we take him to the vet and make the claim. That way Embrace keeps tract of our deductible for us. When/if the vet is slow in getting in the needed paperwork, Embrack lets us know. Embrace treats us like people who love our pets. They follow up to make sure all is well and explain the reimbursement clearly. They even follow up to make sure the check was received. I recommend Embrace to all the folks we know at the dog park.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 10/12/2011
  • BY: Bobbie
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

They REALLY care!!!!

Amazing customer service. Our dog, Princess, had a cancerous tumor on her paw that needed to be removed. She had surgery that ran us about $900. She is a mature dog and had pre-existing medical challanges. Our vet forgot to file the correct paperwork and our claim became very complicated. Healthy Paws was in constant communication and kept us updated every step of the way. Any question I asked by email, I received a response within 24 hours. They were so kind and compassionate when helping us thru this time. When they notified us by email of the final result of our claim, our refund check was in our mailbox the very next day. They showed showed us such kindness and we appreciate them soooooo much!
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 10/12/2011
  • BY: Kristin
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Extremely pleased

I have a two year old Norwich Terrier and although I've had other dogs, this is the first time I've had pet insurance. I did a lot of research on this site and other places and decided that Trupanion seemed to be the best option for me and my dog. I joined the plan when my dog was about six months old. We have just had our first major health issue and my first claim with Trupanion. My dog had a Sunday visit to an emergency clinic followed by treatment at my regular vet, including surgery for bladder stones. Filing the claim was easy and my vet had experience with Trupanion and assured me that their clients had had good response from the company. I received prompt, clear and frequent communication by email from Trupanion and after my claim was reviewed was told that everything would be covered according to my plan and that I'd receive a check shortly -- which I did within several days. Trupanion paid 90% of all of the charges at both the emergency clinic and my vet, aside from the basic exam fees and my $100 deductible. It was exactly as promised, with no hassles and terrific customer service. I could not be more pleased and impressed with Trupanion. I am a believer in pet insurance and encourage everyone to carefully consider getting coverage. it is not meant for the usual small things that come up -- the $100 to $300 typical wellness or minor illness visits. But when you are faced with $2,500 or more for surgery, tests and so forth, it is very comforting
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 10/12/2011
  • BY: Rebecca
  • BREED: Norwich Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Extremely pleased

I have a two year old Norwich Terrier and although I've had other dogs, this is the first time I've had pet insurance. I did a lot of research on this site and other places and decided that Trupanion seemed to be the best option for me and my dog. I joined the plan when my dog was about six months old. We have just had our first major health issue and my first claim with Trupanion. My dog had a Sunday visit to an emergency clinic followed by treatment at my regular vet, including surgery for bladder stones. Filing the claim was easy and my vet had experience with Trupanion and assured me that their clients had had good response from the company. I received prompt, clear and frequent communication by email from Trupanion and after my claim was reviewed was told that everything would be covered according to my plan and that I'd receive a check shortly -- which I did within several days. Trupanion paid 90% of all of the charges at both the emergency clinic and my vet, aside from the basic exam fees and my $100 deductible. It was exactly as promised, with no hassles and terrific customer service. I could not be more pleased and impressed with Trupanion. I am a believer in pet insurance and encourage everyone to carefully consider getting coverage. it is not meant for the usual small things that come up -- the $100 to $300 typical wellness or minor illness visits. But when you are faced with $2,500 or more for surgery, tests and so forth, it is very comforting
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 10/12/2011
  • BY: Rebecca
  • BREED: Norwich Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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