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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

Embrace has an excellent Customer Service Group.

The folks in the Claims Customer Service group are thorough, timely and have great follow up.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 10/17/2011
  • BY: Tammie
  • BREED: English Bulldog
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Very good service and fast reimbursement

I have been very pleased with my experience with Embrace. Customer service is great and claims are explained and paid quickly. Great company!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 10/16/2011
  • BY: Catherine
  • BREED: Alaskan Malamute
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Horrible Customer Service

I was excited when I first got this insurance because it made all the sense in the world to me that I have insurance for my dog as well. Since I signed up for the insurance I have had nothing but issues. My first experience with them consisted of an email and a piece of actual mail saying my dog was covered as of 2 different dates, when I called to ask which was correct, I was told the earlier date was (say it was May 27th); When my dog was stung by a bee a couple days after (say May 29th) I paid the bill and sent in the claim in. When I heard back from Embrace they told me they would not cover because she was not actually covered until June 2nd. I told them I had even gone out of my way to call and clearly asked, "So she is covered as on May 27th, right?" When the customer service rep. said yes, I assumed they were giving me the correct information. ThIs is the second year that I have had the insurance and called before her annual check up to make sure that once this visit was paid for, my deductible was met, when I was told yes, I again assumed they were giving me the correct information. 3 months after her annual visit and thinking that her deductible was covered, my dog had to go to the ER at 3am because of vomiting and diarrhea, I again paid for the visit thinking I would be reimburst the $369 for her visit, again the Embrace rep. informed me that my deductible was not met so they were only refunding me $169, due to my $200 deductible, which I had called about and wa
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 10/16/2011
  • BY: Cori
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Wonderful service, fast payment

I have had coverage for a couple years and recently made my first claims. The process was extremely easy. The customer service professionals were fast and friendly. And I received my payment in record time. I am very happy having purchased this insurance for my dog!!
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 10/16/2011
  • BY: Justine
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Every little bit helps!!

I feel more secure about going to the vet, knowing that the burden of expense will be offset a little bit by insurance.
  • POSTED: 10/15/2011
  • BY: Tricia
  • BREED: Domestic Mediumhair
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Sleep Better With Healthy Paws

My puppy got into something bad and had stomach issues for a few days. The vet did an xray and some gave us some meds. After I submitted my claim Healthy Paws sent an email saying they received it and less than a week later I got the check! Plus, they looked at his medical history and stated that they can cover some past expenses as well!! Now THAT is service! They even sent a follow up email about how well he's doing now. As a first time pet owner it is such a great relief having them here and they make it extremely easy. Awesome. Simply awesome.
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 10/15/2011
  • BY: Winrich
  • BREED: Shih Tzu
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Thank you for saving Mattie

My 7 month old kitten developed cystine crystals when he around 5 months old.This is caused by a birth defect in his kidney. Mattie had to be catheterized many times to remove these rare crystals.He has been on so much medication to help him with this and control his pain. To see my baby on the floor with his back legs stretched out behind him and his front leg straight out in front while his little body went in spasms, broke my heart. A few days ago he had another episode of a urinary blockage. His doctors managed to pass a catheter and release the crystals but a few hours later he block up again. This time they could not pass a catheter through. Things were not looking good for my baby. The last resort was to air lift Mattie to P.E.I to Atlantic Veterinary Hospital. After many tests, Mattie went into surgery to have an opening created above his anus so he can pee without getting blocked. If I didn't have Pet Secure behind me, my baby would be dead. I could never afford the surgery that Mattie had to go through today. Mattie will remain in intensive care for three weeks and hopefully will be coming home to Newfoundland after that. I know the surgeons hands did the miraculous work on saving Mattie, but none of this would have been possible without Pet Secure. You may have insurance and never use it...but you could fall in to a situation like ours and then what? I would highly recommend Pet Secure to every one who has a pet. When I called Pet Secure the staff at were genuinely
  • INSURER: Petsecure
  • POSTED: 10/14/2011
  • BY: Renate
  • BREED: Domestic Longhair
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

My cat loves Trupanion!

My husband and I adopted Bruno, a cat, last summer. We took him for his vaccines, and the vet told us about Trupanion and it first month free policy. It looked like a good deal, so we took it. The following month we took Bruno for completing his vaccines and he was diagnosed with a heart murmor. Trupanion covered ALL the expenses related to this problem and the check was mailed within days. One year later Bruno had another accident: he got inside the dryer without us realizing. He slightly fractured his pelvis, requiring Xrays and medication. Again, Trupanion covered all the expenses related to this accident immediately. I am extremely satisfied with Trupanion's service.
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 10/14/2011
  • BY: Veronica
  • BREED: Domestic Mediumhair
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

My cat loves Trupanion!

My husband and I adopted Bruno, a cat, last summer. We took him for his vaccines, and the vet told us about Trupanion and it first month free policy. It looked like a good deal, so we took it. The following month we took Bruno for completing his vaccines and he was diagnosed with a heart murmor. Trupanion covered ALL the expenses related to this problem and the check was mailed within days. One year later Bruno had another accident: he got inside the dryer without us realizing. He slightly fractured his pelvis, requiring Xrays and medication. Again, Trupanion covered all the expenses related to this accident immediately. I am extremely satisfied with Trupanion's service.
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 10/14/2011
  • BY: Veronica
  • BREED: Domestic Mediumhair
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Trupanion is a must have!

We rescued Lola from a family that could no longer take care of her when she was 12 weeks old. She was a very sweet puppy, but didn’t have a very spirited personality. We figured that it was due to her breed, and didn’t think too much of it. As she grew we started to notice the tell-tale “bunny hop” that often points to a hip injury and brought her in for some x-rays. The films revealed that she suffered from hip displaysia so sever e that both of her femoral heads were completely out of socket and were essentially being held into place by muscle and skin. The next step was to visit our local veterinary orthopedic surgeon, and they told us that surgery should be scheduled ASAP. They also told us that the total cost for both hips to be replaced would be roughly $10,000. My husband and I love our animals very much, but if not for Trupanion we would not have been able to afford the surgery. Lola had her first hip replaced in February of 2011, and her second one replaced in May. We started to notice the change in her personality immediately! She was starting to act like a puppy for the first time. We soon realized that Lola was not an especially mellow dog as we had previously assumed. She was simply in constant pain due to her hips, and as soon as that pain went away she was able to act like herself. We are so thankful for Trupanion for having such great rates, great service, and for giving Lola the chance to be a puppy.
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 10/13/2011
  • BY: Natalie
  • BREED: Saint Bernard
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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