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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5


I have had insurance since my puppy was 8 months old. She is now 4 1/2 and has been diagnosed with lymphoma. Her inital aspirations of her glands cost $151..the insurance co only considered this test to be $58 and therefore only reimbursed me 80% of that amount. Now she is undergoing chemotherapy and she only has a $1500 limit. She policy expires in May of 2012 and then becomes a pre exsisting condition and will not be covered. The insurance co now has a new plan offering continuing coverage, but of course they never told me and now it's too late. My husband and I have been researching pet insurance for any future puppy, and through this same co..they do have a better plan but even on their continuing coverage (cancer, heart etc) they will only reimburse 80% (even if you chose a higher amount) and they put a cap for lifetime limit of $6K. My dog has gone through 4 of her 12 treatments and I'm well into $3k right now due to tests, hospitalizations etc... if you have a dog that is going to have a life long can they cap you on that. I really liked my insurance, but now going to have to look elsewhere
  • POSTED: 01/28/2012
  • BY: Nicole
  • BREED: Rottweiler
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Wonderful and fast reimbursement

Sebastian has cancer. adenioma ca of the jejunum,which was resected. He has had 2 ultrasounds, lab work, multiple vet visits, resulting in over 4000 dollars in bills. Pets Best insurance has been there all the way by giving fast, reliable service. Thank you very much. Sharon O'Connor
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 01/27/2012
  • BY: Sharon
  • BREED: Poodle
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Very pleased with Pets Best Insurance

We have insured our three cats for several years, and only recently did we need to use the insurance when our 13-year-old cat became very ill. She had undiagnosed vomiting and lethargy, and the most frightening part was that she stopped eating. Pets Best reimbursed us for her diagnostic tests and her treatments, including a large bill for dental work, including the extraction of a tooth. We did not purchase the wellness coverage, but since the dental was related to her ultimate diagnosis--stomatitis, a very painful inflammation of the gums (the gums are essentially destroying the tooth)--Pets Best covered the entire cost minus the co-pay. I'm happy to say that Audrey is back to normal. Having Pets Best let us focus on getting her diagnosed and getting her well. The online claims submission process is efficient and easy, and the turnaround time for getting claims processed has been excellent thus far.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 01/27/2012
  • BY: Rena
  • BREED: Domestic Shorthair
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Easy, Efficient, EXCELLENT!

I have my 2 Papillons insured with Trupanion. I tell every single person I know about this insurance. I would never have a pet without insuring it with Trupanion. The people there are so easy to work with, the company is efficient and as an animal lover, having this insurance takes the pressure of the high cost of veterinary care off my mind while I am busy caring for a sick pet. One of my dogs had serious eye surgery, hospitalization and medication which cost thousands of dollars, my claim was handled very quickly. I never had to call follow up on submitted claims -- they just take care of everything. The BEST!
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 01/27/2012
  • BY: Susan
  • BREED: Papillon
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Easy, Efficient, EXCELLENT!

I have my 2 Papillons insured with Trupanion. I tell every single person I know about this insurance. I would never have a pet without insuring it with Trupanion. The people there are so easy to work with, the company is efficient and as an animal lover, having this insurance takes the pressure of the high cost of veterinary care off my mind while I am busy caring for a sick pet. One of my dogs had serious eye surgery, hospitalization and medication which cost thousands of dollars, my claim was handled very quickly. I never had to call follow up on submitted claims -- they just take care of everything. The BEST!
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 01/27/2012
  • BY: Susan
  • BREED: Papillon
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

We're very satisfied!

Milo jumped out of our daughter's arms and fractured his left hind leg. The vet had to put a pin in the bone and the bill would have been 1700.00. We were very happy and willing to pay the $250 deductible and only 170.00 of the bill!
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 01/27/2012
  • BY: Shelly
  • BREED: Rat Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

We're very satisfied!

Milo jumped out of our daughter's arms and fractured his left hind leg. The vet had to put a pin in the bone and the bill would have been 1700.00. We were very happy and willing to pay the $250 deductible and only 170.00 of the bill!
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 01/27/2012
  • BY: Shelly
  • BREED: Rat Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

a customizable plan

When I decided to purchase health insurance for my two pugs I researched most of the plans that were available. Embrace offered the most flexibility in terms of customizing the plan. I was able to choose dental prescription benefits, the co-payment, deductible, and the yearly maximum that seemed best for our needs. Most insurance plans seemed to top out at a much lower yearly limit, $5,000- $7,000 as opposed to $10,000/yr. offered by Embrace. Also, there is no sub-limit for continuing care. This has become a very important feature since my 8 yr. old pug was diagnosed with cancer. She has a serious mast cell tumor on her muzzle which required tricky surgery to remove. She will also require radiation and follow-up monitoring. Her prognosis looks good because with insurance I can afford the best possible treatment for her. The re-imbursements are made in a timely manner, which is important because all Vet bills have to be payed when services are rendered. I don't need to delay treatment because I'm waiting for an insurance payment to help pay for the next round of Vet bills.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/27/2012
  • BY: Carolyn
  • BREED: Pug
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Good company

I get the feeling they are a little disorganized but, overall, I am like this company. Their staff seem very concerned and willing to help.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 01/27/2012
  • BY: Mary
  • BREED: Greyhound
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Insurance should be mandatory for all pet owners

I enrolled my dog shortly after adopting him from the SPCA when he was 5 months old. It made sense to me and despite his relative good health over the years the beginning of 2012 has proven to be challenging for us and him. We noticed a lump on his gums and to make a long story short within 2 weeks of seeing vets and a specialist he had to have a mandebelectomy to remove the cancer and part of his jaw. Without pet insurance we still would have proceeded with the very expensive treatments but it would have resulted in a very hard time for us financially. Even though we still have to cover a large sum of money due to the very expensive fees associated with this type of surgery it is very helpful to know that we won't max out our credit cards and be broke for a long time. Our dog is recovering and our fingers are crossed that he will continue to live a long, happy and healthy life. Thanks Trupanion for offering peace of mind during very emoitonally stressful times.

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