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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

I am so grateful I chose Healthy Paws!

I adopted a stray dog who appeared healthy. Within two months of signing up with Healthy Paw, a rare bone anomaly was discovered. After my deductible, Healthy Paws reimbursed my bills at 90%, saving me over $1500. Within this same year my dog was found to have bladder stones. Another surgery later, Healthy Paws came through yet again, reimbursing all vet bills at 90%. Honestly, if I didn't have their insurance, I would be so deep in debt I wouldn’t know what to do. Their reps are helpful, caring, and super prompt with payment. I've recommended their service to my vet's office and will do so to anyone who asks.
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 03/26/2013
  • BY: Shari
  • BREED: American Bulldog
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

The Real (awesome) Deal!

Our pup had an issue that was causing him pain and limiting his ability to play and enjoy his doggy life. It killed us to see it. After a trip to the vet, they had determined the issue and had a plan to surgically correct it. Fortunately, we had signed up for Healthy Paws insurance way before this and it made concerns with the financial part of surgery much less concerning (although, as most pet owners can attest to, we'd have foot the bill at whatever cost to us). Post surgery, the dog's spirit was immediately lifted, despite the little cone that made him look more like a desk-lamp than a dog. While this wasn't an experience we wished to live through, we made the right choice in partnering with Healthy Paws for it! Lightening quick service, review of documents, and reimbursement were what we got--the speed with which this took place was spectacular. After emailing the documents, I received a confirmation response within 10 minutes. 5 minutes after the confirmation email, we had our reimbursement statement. A check was in our mailbox 4 days later. A week post-surgery we received a sincere follow up to check in how the pup was doing. This wasn't a sales message. This wasn't advertising or marketing. It was genuine concern from a company who cares about their service and the families they help. I only wish my own health insurance was this solid! I've already recommended Healthy Paws to my parents and friends who own pets.
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 03/26/2013
  • BY: Blake
  • BREED: Border Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Insurance pays for itself

I have two wonderful active hound dogs. Daisy is a American Fox Hound and Hank is a Treeing Walker Coonhood. As you can imagine they spend allot of time running, sniffing and howling for critters. Common ailments are foxtails, allergies and sometimes stomach ailments. Whenever they have had a accident or illness the insurance has covered 80 percent of expenses. Having insurance pays off with your second visit. I would not have a pet without insurance and recommend it to all guardians who want to take good care of their furry friends.
  • POSTED: 03/26/2013
  • BY: Linda
  • BREED: American Foxhound
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5


I decided to get Pet's Best based on reviews of the company. However, I decided I would save it for a TRUE emergency, choosing to pay for all other vet visits on my own for my two Bichons & 1 maltese. My middle Bichon recently did have a TRUE emergency and could have died. But the ER vets in Buffalo Grove saved him, diagnosed him, got him on the right track and Pets Best covered the majority of the bill, which helped me keep money in the bank for the additional costs now that he's a diabetic and would need regulating. I'm happy to report he's now my little "diabetic on the go" and thanks to Pets Best - I'll always have peace of mind during a TRUE emergency! They are worth EVERY penny I pay them quarterly! HUMAN insurance companies could learn a thing or two from this company!
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 03/26/2013
  • BY: Denise
  • BREED: Bichon Frise
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5


I would highly recommend Trupanion! Bottom line we were very lucky that we decided to go with pet insurance on our new pups. In less than 7 months we have had to use it twice for our older pup, Bosco who will be only 1 year old this week. The first time was to have two puppy teeth pulled when they refuse to come out! The second and more significant was to have a growth removed on his umbilical hernia. (Later diagnosis as calcinosis circumscripta). Then Bosco developed an infection at the surgical site which added to the over cost of this procedure between having the infection cultured and then the antibiotics. I opted to secure “pre-approval” for each surgery. That helped with the claim process. Both times, the claims where processed quickly and if Trupanion had any questions they kept me informed and were easily available and quick to respond if I had questions! I am very pleased and fortunate to have Trupanion! Believe it or not calcinosis circumstripta is a condition that can come back and future growths may need to be surgically removed! We have the peace of mind to know Bosco is covered!
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 03/26/2013
  • BY: Colette
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5


I would highly recommend Trupanion! Bottom line we were very lucky that we decided to go with pet insurance on our new pups. In less than 7 months we have had to use it twice for our older pup, Bosco who will be only 1 year old this week. The first time was to have two puppy teeth pulled when they refuse to come out! The second and more significant was to have a growth removed on his umbilical hernia. (Later diagnosis as calcinosis circumscripta). Then Bosco developed an infection at the surgical site which added to the over cost of this procedure between having the infection cultured and then the antibiotics. I opted to secure “pre-approval” for each surgery. That helped with the claim process. Both times, the claims where processed quickly and if Trupanion had any questions they kept me informed and were easily available and quick to respond if I had questions! I am very pleased and fortunate to have Trupanion! Believe it or not calcinosis circumstripta is a condition that can come back and future growths may need to be surgically removed! We have the peace of mind to know Bosco is covered!
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 03/26/2013
  • BY: Colette
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

best insurance

since I choose TrupanionI had the best and prompt response from them They honestly care! I am very satisfied
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 03/26/2013
  • BY: Maria
  • BREED: Irish Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

best insurance

since I choose TrupanionI had the best and prompt response from them They honestly care! I am very satisfied
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 03/26/2013
  • BY: Maria
  • BREED: Irish Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

The premier pet insurance!

My dog required TPLO surgery on both rear legs. Watching him walk as if crippled was so awful. When I was told it would cost $ 8000.00 I thought I would faint. But my next thought was that Healthy Paws insurance would come through for me. Did they ever! I received notification that my claim was being processed and then that my reimbursement was in the mail...the day after the clinic sent in the claim! The Healthy Paws customer service is simply the best! Their insurance is worth every penny.
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 03/25/2013
  • BY: Claire
  • BREED: Pit Bull
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Great Coverage

Embrace Pet Insurance is reliable and prompt. My 4-year-old Corgi-Lab mix, my Corgador as I call her, had to have emergency surgery at Kansas State University Veterinary Medical Center. She's one of those dogs with short legs and a long spine, which can spell disc problems. I came home one evening to discover that her hind legs were paralysed. I had to drive four hours to get her to a veterinarian that could perform the surgery--the faster you get them to the operating room, the more likely they will regain mobility in their back legs. Long story short, she racked up a pretty hefty bill--but she is fine, and fully recovered. I submitted my claim and Embrace reimbursed me within two weeks. They didn't question the emergency surgery or any charges. I would recommend them--and have recommended them to new dog owners. They are prompt and professional. With insurance, I feel like I don't have to choose between my pet and my pocketbook. Good company, good service.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 03/25/2013
  • BY: J.
  • BREED: Cardigan Corgis
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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