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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5

Better than Human Insurance!

We just spent close to 10g's on emergency surgery for our 12yr old dog. 8 months earlier a friend recommended Trupanion pet insurance. I'd heard plenty of stories about pet insurance, so I bought it for $52/month with VERY low expectations of reimbursement if something actually went wrong. But, much to my surprise, this company has been AMAZING. The checks have been coming in, and it looks as if after the $1000 deductible we're getting 90% back. Why can't human insurance work this way? Anyway, it's a great company and I'm a client for life.
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 07/15/2013
  • BY: Edward
  • BREED: Poodle
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

Better than Human Insurance!

We just spent close to 10g's on emergency surgery for our 12yr old dog. 8 months earlier a friend recommended Trupanion pet insurance. I'd heard plenty of stories about pet insurance, so I bought it for $52/month with VERY low expectations of reimbursement if something actually went wrong. But, much to my surprise, this company has been AMAZING. The checks have been coming in, and it looks as if after the $1000 deductible we're getting 90% back. Why can't human insurance work this way? Anyway, it's a great company and I'm a client for life.
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 07/15/2013
  • BY: Edward
  • BREED: Poodle
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

How Fortunate We Were to Have Had Embrace ....

I have had three of my four dogs covered for a good many years with Embrace Pet Insurance, and thankfully, no claims. The fourth dog--a little mixed breed-Chi-Weenie-I had carried the insurance for the first three months after we had adopted her that was provided as part of her adoption package, but then because it was a different insurance company and IA was in the middle of a year with Embrace's coverage of my other dogs, I couldn't make up my mind what to do, and so did nothing for a long while--seve4ral years. There's always been a question in my mind, and many "money experts" question whether the costs to carry insurance on animals is worth the continued yearly outlay, if you don't have claims. This past April, right before my husband and I were going to go on a vacation, I thought, since we're boarding all four of our dogs again, and though I trust the facility...what if something happened while we were out of state, and the boarding facility folks had to make the initial decisions about treatment for us. So, I added Rita in April to our insurance coverage with Embrace. Nothing happened during the week's boarding period. Just a few weeks ago, in June, I noticed that Rita just didn't seem "right." She just looked off, wasn't eating as heartily as she normally did, spent a lot of time by herself sleeping. Since she was almost at the time for her yearly "well dog" check, we went ahead and took her in for her check-up a few days early. We shared with the
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 07/15/2013
  • BY: Virginia
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Wellness claim was super easy!

I recently submitted a wellness claim for my dog's dental cleaning. Even though the paperwork didn't get there right away and I had to resubmit (I think that was either a technological glitch or the vet's error) the claim was still processed quickly and efficiently, within a week. Embrace covered the full amount allowed by the Wellness policy. So easy. One of the reasons I chose Embrace was because the Wellness policy includes dental cleanings; I'm so happy that the process went so smoothly! Every time I have called Embrace with a question, representatives have been courteous and helpful. They even respond to emails. It's a great feeling knowing you're dealing with a real person, when so many companies are automated and don't offer human interaction for difficult questions! Although I hope I won't have to submit claims in the future (I want my dog to stay happy and healthy!!), if I do, I'll have peace of mind knowing that Embrace is such a friendly and honest company.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 07/15/2013
  • BY: Sabrina
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

1000% endorse this company

Kujo is a little puppy we adopted several weeks ago from a rescue organization. He had a rough start at life being severely neglected with lack of even simple life's basic needs of water and food. We have Alaskan Malamutes for the past 25 years and always adopted from a reputable breeder so we knew entire generations of the animal's history. We had Kujo signed up for insurance as he was just such an unknown to us and right from the beginning we felt like he was going to be a handful causing lots of excitement ( prediction right-3 months old and almost died from abusive home and now with this incident!) Our vet suggested TRUPANION and after an initial clean bill of health 2.5 weeks ago, we were enrolled in a 30 day free trial and also signed him up. Kujo had this horrific injury ( penetrating injury to bowel with resultant peritonitis) and we told the vet that we will do anything to make this guy better as we had to give him a chance after fighting so hard to survive at initial abusive home. I had looked into the insurance and saw there was a waiting period on the policy and thought crap; just our luck! However, Kujo was our priority so we never thought no more on the cost and proceeded to try and get him better. So yesterday I happily picked up my little trooper and a FOUR page invoice. After 1 week in hospital with multiple X-rays, bloodwork, special tests, IV fluids and multiple medications entire time, major surgery, intensive 24 hr care, etc, etc. The rece
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 07/15/2013
  • BY: Joan
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

1000% endorse this company

Kujo is a little puppy we adopted several weeks ago from a rescue organization. He had a rough start at life being severely neglected with lack of even simple life's basic needs of water and food. We have Alaskan Malamutes for the past 25 years and always adopted from a reputable breeder so we knew entire generations of the animal's history. We had Kujo signed up for insurance as he was just such an unknown to us and right from the beginning we felt like he was going to be a handful causing lots of excitement ( prediction right-3 months old and almost died from abusive home and now with this incident!) Our vet suggested TRUPANION and after an initial clean bill of health 2.5 weeks ago, we were enrolled in a 30 day free trial and also signed him up. Kujo had this horrific injury ( penetrating injury to bowel with resultant peritonitis) and we told the vet that we will do anything to make this guy better as we had to give him a chance after fighting so hard to survive at initial abusive home. I had looked into the insurance and saw there was a waiting period on the policy and thought crap; just our luck! However, Kujo was our priority so we never thought no more on the cost and proceeded to try and get him better. So yesterday I happily picked up my little trooper and a FOUR page invoice. After 1 week in hospital with multiple X-rays, bloodwork, special tests, IV fluids and multiple medications entire time, major surgery, intensive 24 hr care, etc, etc. The rece
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 07/15/2013
  • BY: Joan
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

Healthy Paws is the REAL deal!

For pet lovers who really desire best health coverage for their pets - Healthy Paws is the one! Our golden retriever Mojo has had a Healthy Paws policy for 18 months. Three important take-aways during this time which endear us to Healthy Paws:1. Reasonable, low cost monthly premiums which provide good coverage. We chose a $250 annual deductible with 90% reimbursable and our premium is $34/ month. 2. Reasonable increases to premium upon policy anniversary. Some background - first insurance company (ugh, Trupanion, separate review) which covered Mojo notified us 11 months into policy that premiums would almost triple at first anniversary. Adios Trupanion. Fast forward - eleven months with Healthy Paws we were notified premiums would increase $3 - reasonable. 3. In first year with Healthy Paws, Mojo had lacerated paw with hospitalization expenses of about $1,300. Healthy Paws not only processed reimbursement in 24 hours but followed up with Emails to ensure receipt and Mojo's recovery. Mojo and I highly recommend insuring your pets with Healthy Paws!
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 07/14/2013
  • BY: Les
  • BREED: Golden Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Stellar care made possible without money worries!

Our 4 1/2 month old puppy was viciously attacked by a bullmastiff easily 10 times her size. Her injuries were beyond the wildest imagination -- her skin was peeled off her body from shoulders to hips, almost like when you peel tight socks or stockings off and they turn inside out. The term for this is "degloving." The sheriff's deputy that retrieved "Frankie" did not think she would live. Wonderful neighbors took us to a locally renowned pet hospital that I wouldn't have considered because it was farther away than the local vet clinics, but they assured me that it was worth the time and the extra cost to go there. The doctors spent two or more hours repairing the damage, but three days later, they advised me that a large patch of skin was dying because the attack destroyed the blood supply to the area, and she would require surgery and a greater level of care than they felt capable of providing. We transferred Frankie to a veterinary specialty and emergency center where she underwent several more hours of surgery to remove dead skin and underlying infected fatty tissue. Frankie remained hospitalized for 10 days, as she required daily bandage changes under sedation for three open wounds where there was insufficient skin to close them. When sedation no longer was necessary, we took her home, but had to return every other day for bandage changes until the doctor felt it was possible to suture closed the open wounds. All of this care took a month and an incredible e
  • INSURER: Healthy Paws
  • POSTED: 07/14/2013
  • BY: Patricia
  • BREED: Goldendoodle
  • AGE OF PET: 0 - 3

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out of 5

THE BEST in the business!

I switched our dog's insurance from VPI to Trupanion a little over a year ago. How I WISH I had done it sooner!!! Trupanion is truly a JOY to work with. They process claims immediately and there is absolutely NO question as to what they cover, check arriving quickly in the mail. And, our premium just went DOWN from its original price. You can't get better than that. If you are going to buy pet health insurance, which I HIGHLY recommend, Trupanion is THE ONLY one that's worth it in the marketplace.
  • INSURER: Trupanion Canada
  • POSTED: 07/14/2013
  • BY: Carol
  • BREED: Cockapoo
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

THE BEST in the business!

I switched our dog's insurance from VPI to Trupanion a little over a year ago. How I WISH I had done it sooner!!! Trupanion is truly a JOY to work with. They process claims immediately and there is absolutely NO question as to what they cover, check arriving quickly in the mail. And, our premium just went DOWN from its original price. You can't get better than that. If you are going to buy pet health insurance, which I HIGHLY recommend, Trupanion is THE ONLY one that's worth it in the marketplace.
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 07/14/2013
  • BY: Carol
  • BREED: Cockapoo
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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