out of 5
POSTED: | BY: Lupe Mendoza
Thanks for Trupanion
I am a pet owner of a 3 1/2 year old english bulldog with a 1/4 mix pug, his name is Bernie. On my first visit with his new Vet they highly recommended pet insurance and had all the brochures so that I could decide, which I did and choose Trupanion, Thank God. Bernie just had TPLO surgery 3 weeks ago, he ruptured his left hind leg ligament. Recovery time will be about 8 - 12 weeks. I am so happy that I made the decision to carry insurance on him when he was just 6 months old, believe me it definitely paid off with his recent surgery and the customer service I have received from Trupanion has been painless and so professional and they truly care. I would highly recommend to anyone to make this choice as I did. Also, submitting my claim was so simple and receiving my reimbursement check within 2 weeks was amazing, it was easier than dealing with my own health Insurance carrier.
Thank you Trupanion!!