out of 5
POSTED: | BY: Jane Cullen
Rates increasing
I bought pet insurance when we got our Rotweiler 9 yars ago. I purchased from VetInsurance, was told that there was no dedutible and that my rates would not increase. The company was sold to Ing Bank and then to Trupanion. Since they have taken over the policies my rate I creases every year. The only way to keep it at what I had originally contracted for was to apply a deductible, this is after I decided to cancel and I received a huge sob story about why I should keep it. They play to the owners heart strings. Last month I get another email that my rates are increasing again!!! Told them I was cancelling, keep getting emails pulling at heart strings again. They do not look at the breed or life expectancy. Rotties lifespan is 9-10 years, my boy is almost 9 and at this point all any pet owner should be thinking is that you are going to do the best for friend that you can and that means they don't suffer and you don't do anything to keep them alive because you don't want to lose them. Been through this with my first Rottie, she died of osteo sarcoma, made her comfortable and let her go. Be careful with these companies, it is insurance after all and they like money. 2 claims in almost 9 years, do the math as to how much you are paying. Put it in a separate bank account for your pets care. Not saying Trupanion is not a good company, but this constant increase of rates and then trying to make you feel guilty for cancelling is frustrating. Filled out the claim detail