Spot | Pet Insurance Review


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Updated: May 29, 2024

Spot is committed to helping pets lead longer, healthier lives by providing pet health insurance with best-in-breed service and high-quality coverage.  This is especially important at a time when vet care is becoming more expensive each year. Spot’s focus is to provide pet owners with the tools to help create a world of healthier pets and happier owners. Our pets are part of our pack, and it’s important to treat them with the same respect as our human family. A big part of that is to provide proper healthcare for our furry friends and enable a healthy lifestyle for pet families at both ends of the leash. With the costs of today’s pet care, having Spot in your corner is helpful for your pet’s health and wellness needs. Spot policies help cover a wide range of covered conditions such as accidents, illnesses, medications, diagnostics, exams for covered conditions, and treatment—even alternative therapies. Spot also provides preventative plans, which include dental cleanings, vaccinations, flea prevention and more for a little extra cost! Spot wants pet parents to worry less and play more with their furry family. Discover the peace of mind of having Spot Pet Insurance.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Patti Chaplin-Starr

The $25 Amazon gift card I received for…

Had a bit of trouble figuring out how to use the gift card but it finally worked

out of 5


Have just purchased this insurance for…

Have just purchased this insurance for our dog. Have not used any of it yet but did get a followup call from they welcoming us to the product and explaining the benefits and how to use the insurance if needed. Very satisfied.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Tracy P

Purchasing Spot pet insurance

I purchased Spot pet insurance for our dog. I have yet to use the insurance. I liked that I could custom create my own deductible, yearly amount etc

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Patrice & Alan Riedel


I am so happy to have a plan for our fur baby. He is so sweet we only want the best. Your plan will meet our needs for many years to come.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Rick Doyle

Stay away from this insurance!!!

Stay away from this insurance!!!! I have an 8 month old puppy I rescued from a back yard Tied to a trampoline with no water in the Florida Sun. He was emaciated, and crying. I brought him home, fed and bathed him, then signed him up with Spot for pet insurance on October 21. I signed him up for accident/illness coverage, and was told there was a 10 day waiting period for the company's protection against pre-existing conditions. I called my vet and tried to schedule for an appointment, and the earliest one I could get was for November 9th, so I scheduled it, figuring I had the waiting period to get through. Around Halloween, I noticed that he was squinting his right, and that is was a little red, a couple days later, he stated scratching constantly at his right ear. I bought dog wipes, and cleaned out both ears. He was fine for a couple days, before I noticed he was starting with diarrhea. I called the vet's office, and they told me to give him boiled chicken and white rice because he was emaciated. November 9th I took him for his visit. He had an eye infection, an ear infection, and hookworm. They cleaned ans packed his ears, gave him a shot for hookworm, and treated his eye. They also gave him his puppy vaccinations. I was prescribed medication for all three illnesses and we were sent home with a two week follow up scheduled on November 22nd. The next morning, I filed the claim, and gave a brief description of what was going on. The vet bill was $465, $159 of that was for his vaccinations, which I knew was not covered under his plan. The claim took 3 weeks to process, and Spot blamed it on the vet, saying they never sent the info over to them. my vet showed me proof that they sent it over twice. The claim was finally processed, and 3 of the 4 categories listed were under accident/Illness, which left a total of $306 dollars which was not reimbersed. I called Spot to inquire about this, and they told me that the illness started before the waiting period was over. I told them I waited 19 days to take him to the vet. I am not a vet, and I could not diagnose him if there was an illness! That's why i took him to the vet!!!! they told me the illness occurred before the end of the waiting period, therefore, it was not covered because it was considered a pre-existing condition! Really. I paid my premium, went through the waiting period, and my dog got sick before his vet appointment, and it's a pre-existing condition???? They use technicalities to the limit!!! I am not a vet!!! I should have lied in the box where they asked what was going on. They lied, why cant I? Spot feeds you the line that they are all about pet awareness, then they pull this??? THEY ARE LIARS, AND THEY WILL RIP YOU OFF!!!! Do not rescue a dog with this insurance!!!! If you do, lie about everything, or you won't be covered!!!! I am cancelling this policy and going with a different pet insurance. I know his second claim for his follow up, which is still in processing after a week, will be denied. Do your homework before buying pet insurance!!! My health plan doesn't pull this crap when I file a claim!!! Ive gone to my local news station, and they are doing an investigation on Spot, and their reimbursement policies! Stay tuned... Update: they are very so sorry for my bad experience, and that is never easy to reject a claim. I should call the customer service number, and they will explain why my claim was denied. DON’T GET THIS INSURANCE!!!! I called the customer, and they explained their decision, and I repeat what I said before. THEY ARE LIARS AND THEY WILL RIP YOU OFF!!! Do not expected to be reimbursed for your claim! They will give you every excuse as for why they denied your claim!!! Nothing has Changed!!! I am going to go with Pumpkin Pet insurance. They really care about both you and your pet! They promote pet wellness. Spot will just take your money, lie to you, and screw you!!! My local Fox Television station had been contacted, and they will be doing an investigation followed by a news story about Spot and other companies lack of transparency! Stay tuned. This is not over!

Monthly Cost

Rates start at: $10 (for accident only), $16 (Complete Coverage). plan costs vary based on plan type, pet breed, age, and location.


The pay-out amount is based on the actual vet bill, at a rate pre-selected by the customer: 90%, 80% or 70%

Payout Limits

Annual limits can be set by the customer, ranging from $2,500 to $20,000, including an unlimited option. No lifetime limits.


$100, $250, $500, $750 or $1000 annually.

Age Limits

No upper age limits. Pets must be at least 8 weeks old to enroll.

Waiting Period

There are no waiting periods for preventive care. Coverage begins 14 days after date listed on policy for accidents, illnesses, and knee/ligament conditions.


Pre-existing conditions, cosmetic procedures and breeding costs are not covered. Spot Pet Insurance has two Preventive Care plans that can be added to help cover a pet’s wellness care, including annual exams, vaccinations, tests, dental cleanings and flea/heartworm preventive. Preventive Care plans reimburse up to a set amount for each listed treatment. If your pet exhibited symptoms of a knee and ligament condition at any time, prior to enrollment or during a waiting period, all ligament and knee conditions will be excluded. Ligament and Knee are conditions involving a ligament, patella, meniscus or soft tissue disorder of the knee. Accident-Only coverage available. for a full list of exclusions visit
Spot Pet Insurance is committed to helping pets lead longer, healthier lives by providing pet insurance with affordable and customizable plan options. Plans cover accidents, injuries, illnesses and more, and features simplified reimbursement based on percentage of invoice. Preventive Care is available at an additional cost. Policyholders can use any licensed vet, including coverage eligible mobile and virtual vets. Insurance plans are underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company. Insurance plans are marketed and produced by Spot Insurance Services, LLC. (NPN # 19246385)

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