out of 5
I have been with Pets Best for approx 1.5 years
I have been with Pets Best for approx. 1 1/2 years insuring 1 dog. We rescued a 9 year old Papillon and added the dog to the policy. We did receive some medical records from the rescue group which contained, vaccinations, blood work, examinations, surgery for teeth and spaying and I had my vet's exam for the dog. These records were uploaded. I was concerned about future claims being denied for lack of complete medical records so I called customer service for clarification. The response was less than reassuring, they would have to wait to see a claim and then evaluate. While I can understand this answer somewhat, I said it is difficult for a pet owner to continue to pay premiums for perhaps years and then be denied a claim for lack of medical records. I would like Pets Best to clarify their policy provisions for rescue dogs. "Other than the canned response we have to wait to see a claim"
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