out of 5
POSTED: | BY: Brandon Moderhack
I will be updating this review in about…
I will be updating this review in about 30 days after my appeal and will be changing my stars from 2 to either 1 or 5. My dog had a scare last year that was either sago palm toxicity or trauma leading to liver damage, they never really found out why. Either way, I got pets best before his final follow up with his vet in which he had a mass on his head that may/may not be removed, other than that he had a clean bill of health. Ten days later I went to a different vet for a second opinion on the mass, and they told me they thought it would resolve, but if it needed to be removed it would be about 40% less than my other vet, but also that he now had an ear infection. He was treated for the ear infection and it resolved. I didn't submit that to pets best because I knew the mass had been there for a couple months now. Two months later he has another ear infection that developed an aural hematoma requiring surgery. They told me that since the original ear infection fell 2 days within the 14 day window that they were considering it pre-existing. I told them the definition of the word "pre-existing" is that it was there prior to me getting the policy, which it clearly wasn't since he had an exam with a vet the day after I purchased the policy. So at this point pets best has two options: do the right thing and reimburse me because the condition was indeed not "pre-existing" per the definition of the word. Or, they can use the loophole in their contract to deny the claim. I'll update after the appeal of the claim.
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