Healthy Paws | Pet Insurance Review


out of 5

Number of reviews 9,925

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance offers one simple plan that covers accidents and illnesses and includes unlimited annual and lifetime payouts. They support hundreds of pet rescues and animal shelters through their Every Quote Gives Hope™ medical grant program. Learn more about Healthy Paws’ plan options, read thousands of customer reviews and get a quote so you can make an informed choice about your pet insurance provider.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Rannell Witt

A MILLION star rating for Healthy Paws!

I can't begin to express the exceptional level of service, satisfaction and peace of mind that Healthy Paws has given us! We signed up with Healthy Paws immediately after taking in our 8 week old French Bulldog puppy. We honestly did it as a precautionary measure for the long term, never expecting the need to use it until he was much older when the symptoms of old age would start to show. Boy were we wrong! All was going well until this past July, when our 10 month old puppy began incessantly scratching his ears to the point of bleeding and hair loss. We took him to the vet only to discover that he had an ear infection. After an exam, ear cleaning, prescription ear drops and cleaner, we walked out with a $244.82 vet bill. Since this was our first claim, it took a little longer to process because we had to wait for the vet to submit our puppy's health records to Healthy Paws. The level of communication from Healthy Paws during the wait period was better than excellent, informing us as soon as they had received the records. Shortly after, we were contacted again letting us know that the claim had been processed, and we received a check in the mail three days later reflecting a 90% reimbursement after our minimal yearly deductible. The REALLY amazing thing was that upon reviewing our puppy's records, they had spotted a medicated shampoo prescribed by our vet that we had purchased back in May when we took him in for neutering. The were happy to inform us that we coul

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Tracy Hackbarth

LIFESAVER!!! Literally!!

I truly cannot express my gratitude towards Healthy Paws in one review. We have a 6 month old Labradoodle puppy with a multitude of health problems. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we needed pet insurance as my parents had 2 boys live to 16 and 18 years old. Rooney, my puppy, contracted a nasty bacterial infection from kissing ALL of the dogs at the dog park. He shouldn't have been punished for being so lovey!! Anyways, fast forward a couple months and his frontal sinus and middle ear were FILLED with fluid and gunk. From diagnosis and treatment to finally surgery and recovery, Rooney's care has been the BEST possible because we are able to use Healthy Paws pet insurance. Vets will typically give you care options based on costs, invasiveness, how proactive you want to be, etc and with Healthy Paws, money was no factor in determining what kind of care Rooney would get. We have been filing at least one claim a week for the last couple of months between exams, tests, ER visits and surgery and they are ALWAYS processed quickly... sometimes the vet will fax it in right when we leave the clinic and before we even get out of the parking lot, I get an email saying the claim is in process. That kind of service is AMAZING!! Reimbursement checks get to us in a week or sometimes sooner. Seriously, I can't thank HP enough for providing such great insurance!! Now, there's no cap on how much benefit a pet can receive, so that is such a relief!! We're talking THOUSANDS in vet bills fo

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Leah

Healthy Paws isFantastic!

Our 1 1/2 year old dog was diagnosed with bilateral elbow dysplasia after becoming injured at the park. Healthy Paws was fantastic from the beginning, providing a simple claims-submission process, answers to questions right away, and reimbursement within one week! Based upon x-rays and a consult with a surgeon, there was strong indication that our dog may have fragmented coronoid process (meaning that painful bone chips may be present) and surgery was likely the next step. However, thanks to Healthy Paws, we were able to first have a CT scan (these are expensive--nearly $1,000 - but Healthy Paws covered 90% of this!). It turned out that our dog did not have the fragmented coronoid process and surgery was therefore not recommended! In addition, our dog does not tolerate a number of medications, and Healthy Paws has been covering the supplements that he has been getting. We are very happy to say that our dog is doing better, and we are so relieved that we were able to make the most informed decision possible thanks to the excellent coverage that Healthy Paws provides.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Laura Caro

Best Customer Service in the Pet Insurance Market

My Shih Tsu puppy had a bladder infection and symptoms of kidney stones. The bloodwork/tests ran $350+. I brought her to my vet on a Fri at 2pm, and by 630p that night, I received an email from Healthy Paws stating my claim had been received, processed, and my refund would be mailed that day! I received the check, as promised, about 3 days later. Healthy Paws is absolutely phenominal in the level of customer service provided. I recommend them to everyone I know who have an animal. You guys are the BEST!

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Linda C.

Excellent customer service from an ethical co.

Having done a huge amount of research with the state board of insurance and on line, I was pessimistic about this company being any different from the one that I tried about ten years ago with my previous dog, but I thought I would give it a try as it is a small investment to insure my two Pembroke Corgis. I do not deprive my pets of any care and treat them like you would a family member. My pets will have the best care available regardless of who pays, so I wrote the policy on both. Reasearch shows that as many as 50% of the dogs that live past ten years of age die of cancer. My prior dog was 15 and he in fact did die of cancer. Healthy Paws did everything possible to make their claim process simple hassle free. They exceeded my expectations in having a streamline claim process to dealing with the most caring and professional people to having the reimbursement processed within two weeks of submittal. Wowl, I cannot get my health insurance on me to do that. This coverage is a must have for those of us that want to mitigate some of our financial exposure in providing medical care for our pets.

Monthly Cost

$15 – $90, depending on breed, zip code, age of pet and choice of deductible and co-pay.


One plan covers accidents, illnesses, cancer, emergency care, genetic conditions, alternative care and more. You can choose a co-pay of 10%, 20%, 30% or 40%. The pay-out amount is based on your actual vet bill.

Payout Limits

No per incident, annual or lifetime pay-out limit.


You can choose an annual deductible of $100, $250, $500 or $750* *Choice depends on age of the pet

Age Limits

Pets must be at least 8 weeks old and under 14 years old at time of enrollment. Once enrolled, pets can stay insured regardless of age.

Waiting Period

Coverage begins 15 days after your policy starts. There is a 12-month waiting period for hip dysplasia claims.


Pre-existing conditions are not covered. Hereditary and congenital conditions are covered, however hip dysplasia is only covered in pets who enroll before they are 6 years old.
Healthy Paws Pet Insurance was rated the best pet insurance company by customers in 2015, 2016 and 2017 at,, and other leading review sites. Healthy Paws has one simple plan that covers accidents and illnesses with no per incident, annual or lifetime payout limits. Their goal is to offer the best coverage possible while still keeping plans affordable. With each pet insurance quote submitted, Healthy Paws makes a donation to one of hundreds of pet rescues and animal shelters through its Every Quote Gives Hope™ medical grant program.

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