Healthy Paws | Pet Insurance Review


out of 5

Number of reviews 9,925

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance offers one simple plan that covers accidents and illnesses and includes unlimited annual and lifetime payouts. They support hundreds of pet rescues and animal shelters through their Every Quote Gives Hope™ medical grant program. Learn more about Healthy Paws’ plan options, read thousands of customer reviews and get a quote so you can make an informed choice about your pet insurance provider.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Yuko Ohtola

Great, efficient, speedy, best insurance company!

My 6 month male Golden Retriever has Osteochrondrosis, as well as panosteitis. My vet said they may not pay it out because it is a genetic condition and happens very frequently in larger breed dogs it's very common. But they paid it out no issues at all. He is healthy otherwise. I am so impressed with Healthy Paws, even my vet was impressed and he is going to call and get some brochures for his office. My vet even said this is the best pet insurance company he has seen.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Susan Burk

Healthy Paws comes through again

To be fair, I'll mention up front that I have already given Healthy Paws a rave review, but I recently had another claim and think it warrants a second. My little knucklehead, a French Bulldog named Remy, didn’t notice that the sliding glass door was closed and ran into it full tilt. He seemed a little bit dazed at first but we later found that he’d compressed two discs, rupturing one, and needed back surgery. Not only were we very stressed out about our dog being in pain and having to go through so much, but the financial impact was significant. Once again Healthy Paws took care of us. Our reimbursement was lightning fast and exactly what we expected. There isn’t one person I dealt with that didn’t ask how Remy was doing. It’s obvious these people are animal lovers.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Brian J

Filing Claims is easy, good policies

If you review their policies, I think you will find that they offer excellent coverage at very competitive rates. I've filed 2 claims so far with them (both relatively minor) and both times the claim process was easy, and the payment was prompt. Also, they don't have a history of yearly astronomical rate increases like some of their competitors.

out of 5


THANK YOU Healthy Paws!

My 4 1/2 month old puppy Billy had diahrrea, and I took him to the vet assuming there was a simple cause like intestinal worms. When the fecal test came back negative, the vet did an X-ray and saw that he had eaten a sewing needle. He needed emergency surgery that day. The vet gave me an estimate of $1500 but the total ended up at almost $2800 because of damage to his intestine. I was so scared for Billy to undergo such a major surgery at such a young age. Also, I didn't have the money and had to take out a loan. Healthy Paws paid me back exactly what my plan dictated - 90% of the bill - promptly. And they checked in to make sure he was doing ok. I literally don't know what I would have done without Healthy Paws- and luckily, I don't have to find out!THANK YOU HEALTHY PAWS!

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Dennis O"Hara

If you love your pet, Healthy Paws is a must.

Junior is our 12 year old Jack Russell mix baby. To say that we love her with all of our hearts would be an understatement. We purchased Healthy Paws pet insurance in August of 2010. In February of 2011 she was diagnosed with diabetes and Cushings Disease, this is a long story so bear with me, Healthy Paws covered it. Three months later Junior went blind from cateracts. Since we couldn't stand to see baby suffer we elected to have surgery. The cateracts were a preexisting condition and so it was not covered. As junior recovered from her surgery she developed glaucoma in her left eye, and after a month of numerous doctor visits and very expensive medications, her eye had to be removed. Healthy Paws covered these expenses without flinching. Junior is doing very well these days. She still has to visit the doctor (Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine) on a regular basis to keep her diseases managed. This is very expensive and without Healthy Paws we could not afford it. Her monthly prescriptions alone more than justify the monthly insurance premiums. I would recommend Healthy Paws to anyone who loves their pet. They have been a life saver and without them I'm afraid we wouldn't have our baby with us today.

Monthly Cost

$15 – $90, depending on breed, zip code, age of pet and choice of deductible and co-pay.


One plan covers accidents, illnesses, cancer, emergency care, genetic conditions, alternative care and more. You can choose a co-pay of 10%, 20%, 30% or 40%. The pay-out amount is based on your actual vet bill.

Payout Limits

No per incident, annual or lifetime pay-out limit.


You can choose an annual deductible of $100, $250, $500 or $750* *Choice depends on age of the pet

Age Limits

Pets must be at least 8 weeks old and under 14 years old at time of enrollment. Once enrolled, pets can stay insured regardless of age.

Waiting Period

Coverage begins 15 days after your policy starts. There is a 12-month waiting period for hip dysplasia claims.


Pre-existing conditions are not covered. Hereditary and congenital conditions are covered, however hip dysplasia is only covered in pets who enroll before they are 6 years old.
Healthy Paws Pet Insurance was rated the best pet insurance company by customers in 2015, 2016 and 2017 at,, and other leading review sites. Healthy Paws has one simple plan that covers accidents and illnesses with no per incident, annual or lifetime payout limits. Their goal is to offer the best coverage possible while still keeping plans affordable. With each pet insurance quote submitted, Healthy Paws makes a donation to one of hundreds of pet rescues and animal shelters through its Every Quote Gives Hope™ medical grant program.

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