Healthy Paws | Pet Insurance Review


out of 5

Number of reviews 9,925

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance offers one simple plan that covers accidents and illnesses and includes unlimited annual and lifetime payouts. They support hundreds of pet rescues and animal shelters through their Every Quote Gives Hope™ medical grant program. Learn more about Healthy Paws’ plan options, read thousands of customer reviews and get a quote so you can make an informed choice about your pet insurance provider.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Brett

Great product-beware renewal rates

I just received my first renewal notice and was disappointed that my rate was increased more than 15 %. I understand why rates increase but feel Healthy Paws was deceptive in the assertions made on its website that premiums would only "slightly" increase on an annual basis. When questioned, a customer service representative stated That they hope to keep premiums under 10% but had to raise them higher due to an unusual claims this year. I don't see how even a 10% increase can ever be considered slight. I would recommend for claim handling, but with a caution about how expensive your policy will be one day.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Rikke Johansen

Amazing service and personal attention

I chose to insure my puppy at a whim, never thought I'd need it. A couple of months later he started limping. Congenital growth plate issues! Healthy Paws was the stressful part of his surgery and recovery.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Joanne Pendorf

First Claim Experience - Amazing!

I am so glad we decided on Healthy Paws this past September for our 2 year old Cocker Spaniel, Paisley. Almost 1 month after deciding on Healthy Paws, Paisley had an inflamed and irritated front paw. When we took him to the vet, they said they needed to put him under to be able to take out the object or source of irritation. Surgery! While I was glad we had Healthy Paws, this was our first claim and I was not sure what would be covered. Fortunately, both Paisley and our finances recovered nicely! Paisley is completely healed and out of the $447.70 vet bill, Healthy Paws reimbursed us $302.93 which was exactly what we signed on for, $100 deductible and 90% coverage. No hassles and no exclusions, everything was covered as you would expect! Thanks Healthy Paws for fast, friendly and efficient health care for Paisley. And the follow up from your Customer Care is friendly and top notch!

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Corina

Awesome service!

HealthyPaws is awesome!!! They are super fast with reimbursements (within 2-3 hrs) and always check up on my pet with an email a few days later! I feel very at ease being covered by them and knowing that anything should ever happen they will be there to help me through!

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Jill Anderson

Highly recommend Health Paws

When I took our french bulldog puppy to our vet for her first check=up, she recommended that I buy pet insurance. Since this was the first time we had owned a dog, I took her recommendation, researched her two recommendation, and decided on Healthy Paws. I am SO grateful I did! Within one month, our puppy had eaten a poisonous mushroom and was on death's door. Given that we had insurance, I was able to make the decision to treat her, which involved a 6-day hospital stay. I am happy to say she made it through! Healthy Paws was very quick in reimbursing our claim, and also followed up with us personally to see how she was. Since then, we have had a few other issues, and each time Healthy Paws was efficient in claim review and reimbursement. Thank you Healthy Paws!!

Monthly Cost

$15 – $90, depending on breed, zip code, age of pet and choice of deductible and co-pay.


One plan covers accidents, illnesses, cancer, emergency care, genetic conditions, alternative care and more. You can choose a co-pay of 10%, 20%, 30% or 40%. The pay-out amount is based on your actual vet bill.

Payout Limits

No per incident, annual or lifetime pay-out limit.


You can choose an annual deductible of $100, $250, $500 or $750* *Choice depends on age of the pet

Age Limits

Pets must be at least 8 weeks old and under 14 years old at time of enrollment. Once enrolled, pets can stay insured regardless of age.

Waiting Period

Coverage begins 15 days after your policy starts. There is a 12-month waiting period for hip dysplasia claims.


Pre-existing conditions are not covered. Hereditary and congenital conditions are covered, however hip dysplasia is only covered in pets who enroll before they are 6 years old.
Healthy Paws Pet Insurance was rated the best pet insurance company by customers in 2015, 2016 and 2017 at,, and other leading review sites. Healthy Paws has one simple plan that covers accidents and illnesses with no per incident, annual or lifetime payout limits. Their goal is to offer the best coverage possible while still keeping plans affordable. With each pet insurance quote submitted, Healthy Paws makes a donation to one of hundreds of pet rescues and animal shelters through its Every Quote Gives Hope™ medical grant program.

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