Healthy Paws | Pet Insurance Review


out of 5

Number of reviews 7,521

  • 60 Days
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  • Rating
  • 4.9
  • 4.7
  • 4.9
  • Count
  • 35
  • 235
  • 7,521

Updated: June 02, 2024

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance offers one simple plan that covers accidents and illnesses and includes unlimited annual and lifetime payouts. They support hundreds of pet rescues and animal shelters through their Every Quote Gives Hope™ medical grant program. Learn more about Healthy Paws’ plan options, read thousands of customer reviews and get a quote so you can make an informed choice about your pet insurance provider.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Mirza D.

Excellent, Fast Service, Caring Staff

My dog got stomach sick, was vomiting blood. The vets ran an x-ray, blood test and a stool sample, it was an infection and giardia. He was prescribed with meds for both and is very happy and getting better now. The claim was processed super-fast, as an insurance professional I think the policy language is very straightforward and you can clearly tell what's covered and what's not. There are no back and forths with Healthy Paws, I gave my vet the claims form they email the diagnosis and the steps taken to heal my dog and within 1-3 days you get your email notice that the claim has been processed with your reimbursement rate minus coinsurance and the deductible. I'd say much more efficient and simpler than even good health insurance plans for people. The claim manager emailed me a couple of days after my dog's treatment to ask how he was doing and asked for pictures, I thought it was one of those massive emails but responded with a few pics and a status update and got a a response from a real person. A very nice touch! I just rescued another dog and adding him to my existing policy took 2 minutes on the phone. In short - great service, simple, straightforward policy language, backed by one of the best and financially strongest insurance companies in the US, fast claims processing, and caring competent staff - can't ask for more!

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Darcey

My first and ONLY choice!!!

We got Snoopy (Basset Hound) at 6 weeks of age. Having lost 4 other pets to cancer over the last 15 years, we knew we had to do our very best with this little sweetie who had already wrapped himself around our two little girls fingers. In my years and years of being a devoted pet owner, I have learned that pets don't give you any warning or are selective of their days of need. Without fail, my pets had always in the past picked the weekend or a holiday to come down with an emergency. So I checked out a few pet insurance companies and I really liked the guarantees with Healthy Paws. I had even called them to confirm, God forbid, cancer ever strike our Basset, that he would be covered. There were no exclusions! Over the past 2 months, Snoopy, now 2 years, had 2 emergencies. One was life threatening "bloat". Not only was our vet waiting for us as we drove up before their office opened, they faxed in my insurance claim directly after. Within 2 days I got confirmation from Healthy Paws that my claim was being processed. My reimbursement check was in my mailbox the very next day! My claim was for $338 and they reimbursed me for $304!!! I am going to take that check and open up a bank account just for Snoopy and will continue to fund that account every time I am reimbursed so the money I need at the time of an incident will never come directly out of my pocket. Thank you so much Healthy Paws for your timely, speedy response! And a special thank you for the heartfelt c

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Telaryn May

Awesome service and timely reimbursements

We started Healthy paws when our Entlebucher swiss mountain dog was 2 years old. My husband thought it was a waste of money and they would never actually pay us. He was so wrong! Bear had a few minor scrapes and bruises during that first year and I faithfully submitted the claims even though it was below my deductible, and when I called with questions they quickly answered them. Submitting the claim was super simple, just fax the form and the receipt. Each time the claim was processed promptly and our deductible reduced. Then in the last month of his first year, Bear tore his rear ACL ligament and had to have surgery. Again my husband said they would not pay or there would be limits, or the wouldn't cover the specialist we used. But I submitted the claim, and they covered the full 80% and saved us thousands. It only took a week to get the check! I think the dog has better insurance than I do for myself. Now my husband is a believer and we are both so thankful we got this wonderful pet insurance. We no longer have to worry about being able to afford the proper health care for our dog. Thanks so much to the great people at Healthy Paws.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Lonelle Berger

Healthy Paws Is the Real Deal!

Two years ago when I researched pet insurance for my then 6 month old Bullmastiff puppy, Healthy Paws offered the best coverage for the price hands down, which was why I chose them. Having now dealt with them for two years I can personally vouch for the amazing and outstanding quality of their service. My Bullmastiff has food and dust mite allergies, nothing life threatening, but something that will have to be managed for his lifetime. Every claim I have submitted to Healthy Paws has been immediately processed with absolutely no hassle. In fact, once a claim is submitted by my vet's office I have a check within a week and, often, within a few days. Their customer service representatives are wonderfully knowledgeable and frriendly so, start to finish, every transaction with them is a positive expereince. On top of that we get a letter every six months or so telling us that Healthy Paws has improved our coverage. The first letter informed us that the lifetime cap on benefits had been lifted completely and the most recent one informed us that wholistic treatmens such a accupuncture are now covered. Instead of diminishing services like most companies, Healthy Paws just keeps giving us more!! It gives me great peace of mind that I will never have to deny Dexter any needed medical treatment because I can't afford it. I know that Healthy Paws will always deliver what they promise and that Dexter will always be able to have the best medical care available. If human med

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Zoe Gan

My corgi is in good hands!

Healthy paws has always been excellent! I chose this insurance in mar 2011 for the awesome reviews and they have lived up to it!In 2012 my 6yr old corgi had to claim for tooth extraction due to broken tooth (accident). No problems there. Here's the impt claim for 2012. Over Christmas, while we were out of town, my corgi got pneumonia while at his kennel. The kennel staff noticed his breathing difficulties and sent him to the emergency vet and he got treated there. He got transferred to his regular the next day for monitoring, transferred back to the emergency vet that night and got well enough to go back to the kennel. When we got home we had invoices from the emergency vet clinic and our regular vet clinic. And still had follow ups to be done. Awesome-ness: my regular vet submitted a claim form even while I was away and healthypaws processed it so quickly that it was approved before we even got back. All the invoices (I think maybe 7 in total) were processed and there's only one more to go which healthypaws are following up with my regular vet! More awesome-ness: they recently added alternative treatments to their policy! I'm an advocate of acupuncture, chiropractic care, etc for dogs and this truly is a great insurance company to have the foresight to move in this direction! Healthypaws is my corgi's forever insurance company!!!

Monthly Cost

$15 – $90, depending on breed, zip code, age of pet and choice of deductible and co-pay.


One plan covers accidents, illnesses, cancer, emergency care, genetic conditions, alternative care and more. You can choose a co-pay of 10%, 20%, 30% or 40%. The pay-out amount is based on your actual vet bill.

Payout Limits

No per incident, annual or lifetime pay-out limit.


You can choose an annual deductible of $100, $250, $500 or $750* *Choice depends on age of the pet

Age Limits

Pets must be at least 8 weeks old and under 14 years old at time of enrollment. Once enrolled, pets can stay insured regardless of age.

Waiting Period

Coverage begins 15 days after your policy starts. There is a 12-month waiting period for hip dysplasia claims.


Pre-existing conditions are not covered. Hereditary and congenital conditions are covered, however hip dysplasia is only covered in pets who enroll before they are 6 years old.
Healthy Paws Pet Insurance was rated the best pet insurance company by customers in 2015, 2016 and 2017 at,, and other leading review sites. Healthy Paws has one simple plan that covers accidents and illnesses with no per incident, annual or lifetime payout limits. Their goal is to offer the best coverage possible while still keeping plans affordable. With each pet insurance quote submitted, Healthy Paws makes a donation to one of hundreds of pet rescues and animal shelters through its Every Quote Gives Hope™ medical grant program.

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