out of 5
POSTED: | BY: Sharlene Hinshaw
Always a catch
I’ve had this insurance for one of my dogs for years. They don’t pay for exams yet their premiums are no different than other insurance companies. They refused to pay a claim stating it was wellness that I submitted as there was a possibility of parasites again. I filed an appeal and they still refused. I’m just not sure pet insurance is worth it anymore. They always find a way to deny claims. I would not recommend this company.
POSTED: | BY: Healthy Paws Customer Service
We’re sorry for any confusion with your claim. Your claim was denied under the wellness exclusion. Since the invoice only noted a parasite exam without any medication, without clarification it appeared to be wellness related. A member of our Customer Care Team replied to your email on 7/10 noting that if you would like to have the claim reviewed, we would need medical records from that visit. We never received a response, nor were records submitted. As such an appeal case was not started. We are happy to take a second look at this claim for you if you simply provide either the date of service examination notes for the test or a letter of clarification from your veterinarian. The examination fee is a plan exclusion and as such is not eligible for coverage. We strive to be completely transparent about this exclusion and our entire policy. Information about this is available prior to and after enrollment via the Frequently Asked Questions on our website and in our online sample policy.