Healthy Paws | Pet Insurance Review


out of 5

Number of reviews 10,119

Healthy Paws Pet Insurance offers one simple plan that covers accidents and illnesses and includes unlimited annual and lifetime payouts. They support hundreds of pet rescues and animal shelters through their Every Quote Gives Hope™ medical grant program. Learn more about Healthy Paws’ plan options, read thousands of customer reviews and get a quote so you can make an informed choice about your pet insurance provider.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Kethonia B.

Thankful Parent

When I rescued my dogs, I was recommended to get them per insurance. I have to say honestly it wasn't something I was thinking of doing but I followed my friend's advice, did some research and got them policies with Healthy Paws. A few months later, I came home from work one afternoon, only to find that my boy Casper was terribly ill. We rushed him to the pet ER where we were told the next day that he would have to undergo surgery. What should have been a routine 2hr surgery become 7. They discovered he had an intussuception, which would also require several days in the hospital for recovery. Needless to say the medical bill was extensive. Not only was it easy to send the claim in to Healthy Paws, the kept me updated on the entire process, and it only took days for me to be informed that my claim was approved. The team at Healthy Paws was the nicest, caring and most understand I have ever dealt with, and their efficiency allowed me to focus on what was most important, Casper's recovery. I am happy to report that Casper is recovering well and is getting stronger every day. I can't thank Healthy Paws enough and would highly recommend them anyone.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Michelle

Healthy Paws is PAWESOME

I recently enrolled in Healthy Paws form my 2 dogs, both 6 and a half years old. I was able to set the deductible and % of reimbursement that fit my needs. Setting up the app for my dogs was so easy! Submitting a claim is so fast! Literally 30 seconds to submit a claim. One of my dogs has not yet met her deductible and honestly I hope she never does. The other, well, she has had several boo boo's. Each time, I submitted the receipt from the vet and Healthy Paws took care of the rest. Less than 2 weeks on each claim, if I was due a reimbursement, I had it in my hand. My latest claim was for my pup who ruptured her ACL. The day I brought her home from the surgery center, it took me less than a minute to submit my claim. 6 days later, I had confirmation that my claim was complete and 3 days later I had a reimbursement check for 90% of the surgery cost. I researched Healthy Paws for days as I wasn't sure about pet insurance. HP is by far the BEST out there. I will never not have Healthy paws insurance on my pets. They are so friendly, fast and they really do care. I received an email from Healthy Paws asking how my pup was doing after surgery. That impressed me so much! I hope I never ever have to use it on my pups again...but if I do I will have the peace of mind that Healthy Paws is there for us. I tell everyone I know who has pets or is thinking about getting a pet they really NEED to get healthy paws. A pet is family....and when it comes to your pets health, they should be treated like family. Now, there is not a single pet insurance company that covers pre-existing conditions. Healthy Paws also doesn't cover your basic exams and shots. To me, that makes sense. These are things that every responsible pet owner should know is part of owning a pet. BUT healthy paws doesn't have a CAP on what they pay out. They are so very friendly, fast and helpful. You set the deductible and % payout based on your budget. I read every review for the top 5 pet insurance companies out there and by far, healthy paws was the best. Take it from someone who was a skeptic for 6.5 years of my dogs lives. I had NO idea that pet insurance could be so wonderful. Thank you Healthy Paws for being there for me and my pups. You are simply the best!

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Michelle Neuzil


I recently enrolled with Healthy Paws in March 2015. My dogs were 6.5 years old. Last year, one of my pups ruptured a disc in her back. My only concern to the surgeon was to please fix her. After thousands of dollars in bills and a very long recovery, my pup was back in business. I then wondered, what if something else happens to her or my other pup? I researched Pet Insurance for days. After all of my research I found that Healthy Paws was the best out there. I joined Healthy Paws. I was able to email all of the records from my vet and the surgical center. Once all records were submitted and verified I downloaded the Healthy Paws app. I added both of my pups profiles to the app. Oh my dog it was so EASY to submit a claim. Click on HP app, click on New Claim, click on picture of pet, add a photo and hit submit claim. My pup that injured her back last year has had a few boo boo's in the past few months. Every time I submitted a claim, it literally took me 30 seconds. HP takes care of contacting the vet if they have additional questions....I have submitted 13 claims total for both so far. Each time I received a notice when claim was completed within 2 weeks. They are very thorough on providing details on what was covered, how the deductible was applied and the amount of reimbursement being sent. With Healthy Paws you can determine what amount of a deductible you want to have, you set up the % of coverage you have. I went with $250 for each dog and 90% coverage. The monthly payment is VERY reasonable. On October 19th, my Aussie had to have surgery for a ruptured ACL. I picked her up and brought her home on the 20th. As soon as I got home, I submitted her claim. On October 26th, less than a week, I had confirmation that her claim was completed and a reimbursement check was being sent out. I got the check 3 days later!!! A $4,000 surgery cost me less than $400.00. I absolutely without a doubt will never NOT have Healthy Paws pet insurance on my pets. The peace of mind that Healthy Paws have given me is priceless. My pups are my babies. Healthy Paws really does care. They even sent me an email asking me how my pup was doing after surgery. My other dog has not yet met her deductible and I hope she never does. I have told everyone I know who has pets or is thinking about getting a pet about Healthy Paws. I even told my vet about them. Keep in mind, no pet insurance covers pre-existing conditions. There are things that Healthy Paw

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Meg DeCicco

Relief In A Stressful Situation

RE: Pet Insurance John and I talked about pet insurance a few times last year, but didn't know anyone else who had it so we weren't sure if it was worth it or not. Fast forward to June, when the universe brought me a horrific story about a friend's experience with dog sitting and the Pet ER that totally rocked my world. I signed the dogs up immediately with Healthy Paws, the insurance we had been considering, and that was that. Just after Labor Day Appa was playing ball with some friends - trying to be the best, as he does - and he started limping. The limp got worse, so we called our Vet and had it checked out. Keeping fingers crossed that it was just a soft tissue injury, we waited a few more days and it got worse. Back to the Vet. This week he had surgery to repair his torn cruciate ligament, and we are embarking on a two month recovery followed by two months of rehab. With a 50% chance he'll damage his other leg at some point, our insurance covered $3,400 of a $4,400 hospital bill. On top of that, since this wasn't a pre-existing condition his other legs are covered (heaven forbid) he should tear another. No one ever plans for a pet emergency, but in this instance having the insurance and knowing we could afford to pursue the best course of treatment available for our Appa made this whole situation just the teensiest bit less stressful. So, if you are like we were last year and are considering pet insurance but don't know anyone who has it: we have it. We have used it. And we would happily recommend Healthy Paws if you want a plan that covers the unexpected!

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Meg DeCicco

Relief In A Stressful Situation

RE: Pet Insurance John and I talked about pet insurance a few times last year, but didn't know anyone else who had it so we weren't sure if it was worth it or not. Fast forward to June, when the universe brought me a horrific story about a friend's experience with dog sitting and the Pet ER that totally rocked my world. I signed the dogs up immediately with Healthy Paws, the insurance we had been considering, and that was that. Just after Labor Day Appa was playing ball with some friends - trying to be the best, as he does - and he started limping. The limp got worse, so we called our Vet and had it checked out. Keeping fingers crossed that it was just a soft tissue injury, we waited a few more days and it got worse. Back to the Vet. This week he had surgery to repair his torn cruciate ligament, and we are embarking on a two month recovery followed by two months of rehab. With a 50% chance he'll damage his other leg at some point, our insurance covered $3,400 of a $4,400 hospital bill. On top of that, since this wasn't a pre-existing condition his other legs are covered (heaven forbid) he should tear another. No one ever plans for a pet emergency, but in this instance having the insurance and knowing we could afford to pursue the best course of treatment available for our Appa made this whole situation just the teensiest bit less stressful. So, if you are like we were last year and are considering pet insurance but don't know anyone who has it: we have it. We have used it. And we would happily recommend Healthy Paws if you want a plan that covers the unexpected!

Monthly Cost

$15 – $80, depending on breed, zip code, age of pet and choice of deductible and co-pay.


One plan covers accidents, illnesses, cancer, emergency care, genetic conditions, alternative care and more. You can choose a co-pay of 10%, 20%, 30% or 40%. The pay-out amount is based on your actual vet bill.

Payout Limits

No per incident, annual or lifetime pay-out limit.


You can choose an annual deductible of $250, $500 or $750* *Choice depends on age of the pet

Age Limits

Pets must be at least 8 weeks old and under 14 years old at time of enrollment. Once enrolled, pets can stay insured regardless of age.

Waiting Period

Coverage begins 15 days after your policy starts. There is a 12-month waiting period for hip dysplasia claims.


Pre-existing conditions are not covered. Hereditary and congenital conditions are covered, however hip dysplasia is only covered in pets who enroll before they are 6 years old.
Healthy Paws Pet Insurance was rated the best pet insurance company by customers in 2015, 2016 and 2017 at,, and other leading review sites. Healthy Paws has one simple plan that covers accidents and illnesses with no per incident, annual or lifetime payout limits. Their goal is to offer the best coverage possible while still keeping plans affordable. With each pet insurance quote submitted, Healthy Paws makes a donation to one of hundreds of pet rescues and animal shelters through its Every Quote Gives Hope™ medical grant program.

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