out of 5
VETERINARIAN: Access Specialty Hospital / TrueCare for Pets
POSTED: | BY: Michael Harris
Healthy Paws Saved my Dog's Life
Healthy Paws is the reason that my dog is alive, period. I adopted a Lab/Pit mutt named Bagel when he was four months old. Sadly, when bagel was 4y.o. he became paralyzed from the waist down due to degenerative disc disease. The cost of surgery was $12,000.00 and it worked... until six months later it happened again. The vet told me his odds of survival were low and I decided to do the surgery anyway, another $12,000.00. This time... it worked. I'm so glad I made that choice. Bagel was doing fantastic for two years and now my poor sweet dog at the young age of 7y.o. has a brain tumor. He obviously has the worst luck. Ending your dog's life is something you know you will have to do at some point but certainly not at 4 years old, and hopefully not at 7 years old. I decided to do radiation for Bagel and he is now recovering. Radiation was $20,000.00. Needless to say without Healthy Paws' contribution I could have never afforded all of these huge ticket treatments. I submit my recent claims to healthy paws on a Tuesday and I had an approval Wednesday with money back in my bank on Thursday. No questions asked.... just a follow up e-mail from them asking how Bagel is doing with treatment. I couldn't recommend a better insurance company and if you have a dog these days it's absolutely necessary.
POSTED: | BY: The Healthy Paws Team
We’re sorry your customer service experience did not meet your expectations. Claim decisions are based on your pet’s medical records and the signs/symptoms that are noted in those records. Most pet insurance companies including Healthy Paws use a pet's medical records to determine if there are any pre-existing conditions that would keep us from approving a claim. We're never happy when we have to deny a claim. We do our best to be transparent throughout our website, during the enrollment process, and in the plan documents available to each client in their online Healthy Paws account regarding the limited exclusions of our plan. Those exclusions are pre-existing conditions, preventative/routine care, and the office visit fee. Anyone visiting our website can see this information under our "Frequently Asked Questions" and in the sample policy. Since the records received noted multiple ear infections starting prior to enrollment, we could not provide coverage.