out of 5
POSTED: | BY: Emily Varanay
This policy has been an utter sham and…
This policy has been an utter sham and I wish we had gone with another pet insurance policy. We started the policy when we adopted our rescue dog and the rescue group had given us vet paperwork proving she was in good health at that time. Over the last few months her new vet has identified a range of issues (ear infection, itchy flakey skin requiring a prescription shampoo, bloodwork, urine tests, x-rays for a limp we noticed when she went up stairs, prescription diet for kidney issues from the bloodwork results...) It's been difficult enough for us as it is trying to help our new dog deal with medical issues, and it's been all the worse knowing we paid over $500 for Figo's "preferred plan" pet health insurance while they have systematically refused to partially pay or even consider a single dollar we've spent against our deductible. I could see maybe denying one or two issues, but it's utterly unacceptable to say after thousands of dollars of vet bills that Figo's pet health insurance would refuse to cover a single dollar. I cannot stress enough how shady this company is. Do NOT open a plan with then if you expect them to actually help cover any medical expenses that arise.
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