out of 5
POSTED: | BY: Linda Adams
Fetch are fat rich cats with rate increases of 40 - 50 % yearly.
I've had fetch for 3 pets since 2020. Increase rates for 2 yr old healthy pet no claims rate increased 45% past 2 yrs. 13 yr old healthy pet no claims rate increased 20% 3 yrs but this yr increased 55%. 17 yr old pet has had claims several claims - rate started high as expected for older dog with multiple problems however the rate increase is minimal - in fact it has gone down less than what it started 4 yrs ago. I assume they figured he's gonna die soon since he's old and sick. So why the big increase for the other 2 pet. especially the 3 yr old healthy dog with no claims? Another big problem is incomplete policy documents. I'm completely missing 1 year. For the money they are getting they should be doing better job. Unless your dog has surgery these policies will never pay for themselves. If your dog dies healthy and old they make out like bandits. I received the standard replay from a robot that didn't read my complaint. Sorry response
and shows total lack of customer service or concern.
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