out of 5
POSTED: | BY: Marah Brammer
Fetch eased our minds in an incredibly stressful time AND economy - FETCH FOR LIFE
We adopted our fur baby, Ellie, Feb. 18th and by March she grew a lump on one of her breasts. Sure enough, it was cancer (fortunately it was benign)! We weren’t sure what we would get back from our pet insurance and let me tell you, Fetch took GREAT CARE of us and our baby girl. We are incredibly thankful for the money given back to help keep our baby healthy and happy with us for years to come. We may have only had her for 4 months, but we are incredibly attached and can’t live without her. Fetch, thank you for easing our minds in an incredibly stressful time and economy. I have recommended you to everyone I know; I believe my Dad will be switching over to you as well. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, again.
Marah B.
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