out of 5
POSTED: | BY: Jim Savage
Ive had Fetch for a year
Ive had Fetch for a year. I called to cancel about a month ago and was assured that had happened. I got an email stating that I had been billed again for the new year, so I called and got what started out as a pleasant enough person who put me on hold for about 3 minutes, then came back and told me she had cut the amount by about 50% and had just put the adjusted amount into effect. I explained that this was not necessary and PLEASE cancel the policy as I had requested. She instantly got sarcastic and condescending. I told her that her tone and sarcasm were not necessary to simply cancel a policy and instead of being nicer, she got worse and tried to talk louder than me, which did not go well. She finally said it was cancelled, and I had to hang up on her to get her to shut up.
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