out of 5
POSTED: | BY: Judith C
Embrace is not like a regular "insurance" company..... they actually care. I have had so many bad experiences with my human health insurance that I really thought far too long about signing up with Embrace. I figured that if MY health insurance was such a disaster a PET health insurance company had to be far worse. Boy was I wrong. Shortly after signing up with Embrace my dog tore his anterior crucidate ligament (ACL). I figured there is no way they would pay. They will try to get out of it somehow. Not only did they pay for my dog's surgery (almost $4000.00 and they paid 90%) complete with his new fancy leg implant plus his follow-ups... but I received tons of emails checking on how he was feeling. I could not believe it! My dog's health insurance is better than mine. Also, most pet health insurance companies do not pay for orthopedic injuries such as ACL tears and hip replacements. But Embrace does. My husband and I recently rescued a dog from a local shelter and we are going to sign him up too. I LOVE Embrace! You will too!! Oh, by the way, my check came in about 4 days. Yay!