Embrace | Pet Insurance Review


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Updated: May 29, 2024

Embrace Pet Insurance offers nose-to-tail accident and illness protection and an additional Wellness Rewards program. Its diminishing deductible feature, Healthy Pet Deductible™, is included with every policy as standard. Learn more about Embrace’s plan options, read thousands of customer reviews and get a quote so you can make an informed choice about your pet insurance provider.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: corinne freaney

skin disease

petunia, my boston terrier, has skin disease. it is being treated with atopica, antihistimines & allerderm. she has lost about half her body fur, so i call her my "boston crested". embrace has been outstanding in their claim handling, and also i get the occasional email asking how petunia is, which i doubt no other pet insurance would do. frankly, it is that personal touch that keeps me recommending embrace to other pet owners. they are the #1 pet insurance referral from my vet. petunia is getting better, and for that i am most thankful.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Anonymous

Expensive, Slow, Few Benefits

Unlike the VPI Pet Insurance policy, the primary Embrace policy covers relatively little. Despite having well over $1000 in vet bills since that time, the Embrace accident/injury policy has covered nothing (whereas the generic VPI policy would have). Do not be fooled into thinking that you will be able to add a wellness benefit later; they will not let you during the course of an insurance term. I chose Embrace in part because I expected that the extra cost would be worth what I perceived to be superior customer service. I was wrong about that. To make matters worse, I have had to wait for nearly a month to receive a decision on my claim. I had to call them in order to get a response. I would only recommend Embrace if you are absolutely sure that you want nothing other than accident coverage. I sincerely wish I had chosen VPI insurance as my vet originally recommended.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Michael Stroud

Coverage bait and switch - Beware!

I was an Embrace customer for almost two years, and was happy the first year and the first time I had to make a claim, they paid promptly. This year (my second year) they sent an email to all customers with policy changes. These changes basically eliminate coverage for anything that Embrace considers "preventable" or that there is a vaccine for, and it goes on to say that even if your dog has been vaccinated, if they contract an illness, you must seek damages from the manufacturer, not Embrace! Here is their quote: “Example: If a pet is vaccinated against Parvo, but still contracts Parvo, the vaccine manufacturer is at fault and may be liable for the veterinary costs to treat the Parvo.” Good luck making any claim for any illness with that type of policy. The icing on the cake was when my dog recently had a UTI. I filed a claim and Embrace requested my dog’s medical history going back three years before they can process the claim, I can only assume that they did this so that they can investigate whether or not they could wiggle their way out of paying the medical costs. After I had been a customer for almost two years, they randomly sent me an email that they will not cover foreign body ingestion for my dog because he previously was treated for a foreign body ingestion two years ago! So, they eliminated any “preventable” illnesses, accidents, vaccinated related conditions, and now foreign body ingestion. What the heck is left besides being run over by a car

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Rayna Huggard

The initial cost is worth it

We decided to get Embrace Pet Insurance for our Bernese Mountain Dog based on the reviews posted on their site. We were initially only going to get pet insurance for the first year; however we loved them so much we have decided to keep them for her second year (and probably for the life of our dog). We are very happy with their services. A quick list of what they have done: Covered what they are supposed to. Really friendly (which I appreciate!!). Clear email communications. Not that fast with the actual money back, but not super slow either. Probably about normal on that front, 2 - 3 weeks. My husband is skeptical of health insurance companies and doesn't expect much. In his words, "I am actually just shocked at how helpful they have been." (This is a HUGE compliment coming from him). We would definitely recommend them to someone new or old to pet insurance. For the first year we got almost the top of the line plan. It was really expensive but we decided to do it. Boy am I glad we did. We've gotten at least 1,500 back from them and paid close to 1,200 up front. So we saved at least 300 by having them (and if god forbid anything bad had happened, she was covered for far more). The regular wellness was definitely worth it, and the only reason we downgraded our plan for the second year was that we're not expecting as much to go wrong now that she's over her initial hump of vaccines and neutering. Wonderful service. Excellent coverage. Please sign on with them

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: CJ Torre

Misleading-False security

Though the customer service rep.'s are very pleasant. The insurance coverage, was not what the website hypes it up to be. They claim that they cover "genetic specific" conditions....which may be true, but proved false in my case. My vet and I had a misunderstanding of the requirements for the orthopedic waiver. . . My Vet wanted to be 100% sure that my puppy (8 weeks at the time), a Large breed dog, didn't have hip dysplasia (which can be hereditary). The only way for her to make this determination was to place my baby puppy under anesthesia. As concerned parents, that had a perfectly healthy pup, we opted not to have our pup put under. Later, a condition very common in large breed puppies (OCD) developed in our puppy (which occurs between the ages of 4 and 7 months). Through, the course of diagnosis, it was determined our pup did not have hip dysplasia and had developed OCD in her right shoulder after the initial exam. To have this corrected, she needs surgery which is roughly $2500. Embrace, a business, meaning, for profit. Decided, this was a pre-existing condition and would not cover even a portion of her Vet bills. Even with the timeline of events and diagnosis being annotated by my Vet and submitted directly to them. Maybe because my policy was only 5 months old and the company didn't want to chance losing that much money, when I hadn't even contributed very much? I caution all pet owners, that Embrace is a false security at best. I had initially raved ab

Monthly Cost

$13 – $100, depending on your chosen plan.


You have a co-pay of 10%, 20% or 30% after your deductible, depending on your chosen plan. The pay-out amount is based on your actual vet bill.

Payout Limits

Annual limit of $2000, $5000, $10,000 or $15,000.


Annual deductible options from $100 – $1,000.

Age Limits

Pet must be at least 6 weeks old to enroll. New pets over 14 are eligible for accident-only coverage. Once enrolled, pets can stay insured regardless of age.

Waiting Period

There is a two-week illness waiting period, which begins on your policies’ effective date. Orthopedic conditions have additional Waiting or exclusion periods that vary by state.


Pre-existing conditions are not covered. Hereditary and congenital conditions are covered if they have not been diagnosed or suspected before the policy becomes active. Main plan covers alternative treatments such as chiropractic, acupuncture and homeopathic when provided by a licensed veterinarian. Optional wellness and prescription drug plans are available for an additional cost.
Embrace Pet Insurance protects over 100,000 pets across the U.S. with nose-to-tail accident and illness protection. In addition to its pet insurance policy, Embrace offers a Wellness Rewards program to help cover the cost of routine veterinary care, grooming and training. Its Healthy Pet Deductible™, the industry’s first and only diminishing deductible feature, is included with every policy as standard. For every policy sold, Embrace donates $2 to a pet-related charity, as well as offering additional funding and support to shelters and other charitable organizations.

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