ASPCA | Pet Insurance Review


out of 5

Number of reviews 11,652

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  • Rating
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  • 4.6
  • 4.7
  • Count
  • 13
  • 44
  • 11,652

Updated: May 29, 2024

ASPCA Pet Health Insurance® is committed to making veterinary care more affordable for pet parents. Its Complete Coverage plan covers accidents, injuries and illnesses, and features a simplified reimbursement based on percentage of invoice. Learn more about ASPCA’s plan options, read thousands of customer reviews and get a quote so you can make an informed choice about your pet insurance provider.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Bridget

Not An Honorable Company

My first pet insurance experience was with this company; I was in part lured in by the ASPCA endorsement. I was concerned that the policies offered for my 2 cats and one dog were not particularly good but decided to give it a try. I did understand that every renewal was treated as a new application and coverage for illnesses occuring within the previous year would not be covered. I also understood the limits of coverage per illness. What angers me the most however is not that Hartville offers poor policies (after all I did purchase the policies) but that they did not reimburse fairly even given the limits of the policies. The reimbursement schedule is very low; three animals, three cities, 5 vet clinics- always the reimbursement was 60% after deductibles and co-pays (not the promised 80%). What they consider reasonable isn't. The adjusters also look for every reason to deny reimbursement. Part of a claim was denied for "timely filing" although they only want one claim per illness (how does that work?). They tried denying a claim for an emergency visit for my acutely ill cat claiming that it was due to his chronic mild liver inflammation. The cat died three days later of acute leukemia. I did finally receive some payment but only after repeated calls and many weeks. The renewal policy for the dog listed "ingestion of foreign bodies" as a pre-existing condition that would not be covered. Since when is one accidental ingestion a chronic condition? (That incident only cost them $40- a fraction of the premium- the dog was entirely healthy otherwise) In short, Hartville offers poor policies and then doesn't even honor their side of the contract. After extensive research I have been able to find better policies elsewhere for the same or only slightly more money. The ASPCA should be ashamed to partner with a company like Hartville.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Kathy Fast

Great insurance and peace of mind

Name:Kathy FastAddress: Plainfield IN Story:Our kitty's name is Patches and he is 11 yrs old. He developed diabetes in November of 2008 and I have to say how amazed I am with this pet insurance. I had been a contributor to ASPCA for helping homeless animals for quite a while and only found out about their pet insurance a couple of yrs ago. Patches was virtually always healthy, never sick and never went to see the vet except for his yrly exam and shots. Since his diagnosis, I have had to take him to the doctor several times for bloodwork and tests while they are trying to regulate his blood sugar. I am amazed at how prompt ASPCA is in paying their claims, and they have paid exactly what they said they would pay. I feel like I have a "guardian angel looking over us by having this insurance thru ASPCA. I don't feel so quite alone in going thru this with Patches. He is doing great, his blood sugar is coming down although the vet said it may take a while for us to go to where it needs to be. I just feel so fortunate to have found this insurance --it has been a lifesaver, especially with the times being so hard right now Thank you ASPCA! Kathy Fast

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Kelly D.

Absolutely wonderful Customer Service

I have had 2 types of plans with ASPCA. I had an emergency plan that I didn't think I'd ever use. Unfortuntately, it came in quite useful when my cat became seriously ill, and ultimately passed at only 1 year of age. The customer reps that I contacted both online and by phone were very helpful and supportive. I purchased another contract for my new kitten, and have also experienced wonderful service. My questions are answered promptly, and claims are handled in an efficient manner. I would and will purchase again.

out of 5


Horrible- Change Terms Without Notice

We purchased a plan with PetsHealth (Hartville group) in 2005. Not very many companies offering pet insurance at the time. We found out that after the first year of coverage, our dog started loosing benefits because the clause in the contract stipulated a waiting period of 180 days from inception. They changed this to 180 days between cycles (annual). Which means any chronic condition will not be covered after 1 year. Our pure breed was diagnosed with a skin disorder and found out that since we treated him in November with an OTC for itching he bacame ineligible for coverage to see a dermatologist and all subsequent treatments because 180 days had not passed. We were also threatened if we cancelled our policy early we would encure penalty fees. We requested a high review of the claims and had to constantly call them for a status update. Once we got ahold of someone willing to tell us what happened they were rude and condascending. Now that we cancelled our policy all of our dogs issues will be considered pre-existing and not covered through another vendor.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Valerie

A very happy policy holder

I have two cats and originally had them both enrolled with another pet insurance company. I received a brochure about three years ago for ASPCA insurance and when I compared policies, the ASPCA policy provided better coverage for less out of pocket expense and so I decided to switch policies. In November of 2008, my male cat was diagnosed with Diabetes and I had to use the pet insurance for the first time. The customer servive has been excellent and what impressed me most was the ease of the paperwork and the timely reimbursement payments. I would recommend the ASPCA pet healh care provider to anyone with pets.

Monthly Cost

Rates start at: $10 (for accident only), $16 (Complete Coverage). Rates vary based on species, age, breed, and location.


The pay-out amount is based on the actual vet bill, at a rate pre-selected by the customer: 90%, 80% or 70%

Payout Limits

Annual limits can be set by the customer, ranging from $2,500 to $20,000, including an unlimited option. No lifetime limits.


$100, $250 or $500 annually.

Age Limits

No upper age limits. Pets must be at least 8 weeks old to enroll.

Waiting Period

There are no waiting periods for preventive care. Coverage begins 14 days after date listed on policy for accidents, illnesses, and knee/ligament conditions.


Pre-existing conditions, cosmetic procedures and breeding costs are not covered. ASPCA Pet Health Insurance has two Preventive Care plans that can be added to help cover a pet’s wellness care, including annual exams, vaccinations, tests, dental cleanings and flea/heartworm preventive. Preventive Care plans reimburse up to a set amount for each listed treatment. If your pet exhibited symptoms of a knee and ligament condition at any time, prior to enrollment or during a waiting period, all ligament and knee conditions will be excluded. Ligament and Knee are conditions involving a ligament, patella, meniscus or soft tissue disorder of the knee. Accident-Only coverage available.
ASPCA Pet Health Insurance®, provided by Crum & Forster Pet Insurance Group through its licensed agency, C&F Insurance Agency, Inc., is committed to improving animal care across the U.S. by making veterinary care more affordable for pet parents. Their Complete Coverage(SM) plan covers accidents, injuries, illnesses and more, and features simplified reimbursement based on percentage of invoice.  Preventive Care is available at an additional cost.

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