ASPCA | Pet Insurance Review


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Updated: May 29, 2024

ASPCA Pet Health Insurance® is committed to making veterinary care more affordable for pet parents. Its Complete Coverage plan covers accidents, injuries and illnesses, and features a simplified reimbursement based on percentage of invoice. Learn more about ASPCA’s plan options, read thousands of customer reviews and get a quote so you can make an informed choice about your pet insurance provider.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Terry M.

Recommend ASPCA insurance

Since our golden was getting up there in age (8) - we decided to be proactive and get this ASPCA insurance that was recommended by our vet. It worked out well for us, as he did have a few issues this last year and ASPCA was very good about accepting the claims and paying on them. They did not pay the full amount - but a good portion. Hopefully none is needed for this next year - but we are covered and ready just in case.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Joel

Great Coverage

Having experienced a serious illness to our previous pet, medical costs in excess of $7,000, and no insurance, my wife and I decided if we got another dog we would make sure we purchased coverage. We choose ASPCA and our first experience was more than we expected. We had our dog neutered and recovered over 75$ of the costs. Truly a great policy!

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Tony

Review Coverage

I find the insurance ok. I had to add on level 2 with continuing care because it was very frustrating that alot of pre-existing conditions were not covered from one policy period to another.It got to a point where I was thinking about opting out because I never got compensated for ear infections etc,and it was costing me as much as what I was paying for the policy. I have been with the plan for at least 12 years and find that since there was a management change,it's more difficult to get reinbursed. I was however pleased that I did receive a reinbursement for surgery my dog had, and was glad that I kept the insurance. I think communication is the key, people should be aware that the basic coverage is minimal, but good if there is a need for surgery like in the case of my dog.

out of 5


There when I needed them

My 6 year old Shih Tzu had been through many eye problems since she was a puppy including a corneal graft and a flap. The vet bills were enoumous and I was able to arrange for financing. After that I knew they would not cover her for a pre existing weakness but I felt after this experience I should have her insured for any other illness or accident because it would not easy for me to pay for any other emergencies. I took out the insurance and two years later I did have an emergency with her. An enlarged heart without any symptoms until it was too late. I submitted my bills to my insurance company and they reimbursed me for partial expenses and that eased the financial burden. I now have a new little Shih Tzu 4 months old and have her insuraned. I know if she should have an emergency, illness or accident my financial obligation will be partially covered. We also have a cat on the policy (he is 7 years old)and luckily we have not had to use it. I would recommend the insurance. It is there when you need it the most.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Marcely

This is a SCAM!

In my contract they say in clause that they would cover the expenses of spaying my dog.When I sent the claim for the coverage, with the receipt from the vet describing all the charges, they denied almost all of them, because other clauses said they would not be covered! So, I thought, that next time, I would work in my receipt with my vet to do not show the things that they exclude! But doing it, I'd be as bad as they are! Therefore, I just can see them as a scam as they must be getting advantage of the name ASPCA. I can't believe that the institution that I see all the time in the TV shows thinks or agrees with these policies.

Monthly Cost

Rates start at: $10 (for accident only), $16 (Complete Coverage). Rates vary based on species, age, breed, and location.


The pay-out amount is based on the actual vet bill, at a rate pre-selected by the customer: 90%, 80% or 70%

Payout Limits

Annual limits can be set by the customer, ranging from $2,500 to $20,000, including an unlimited option. No lifetime limits.


$100, $250 or $500 annually.

Age Limits

No upper age limits. Pets must be at least 8 weeks old to enroll.

Waiting Period

There are no waiting periods for preventive care. Coverage begins 14 days after date listed on policy for accidents, illnesses, and knee/ligament conditions.


Pre-existing conditions, cosmetic procedures and breeding costs are not covered. ASPCA Pet Health Insurance has two Preventive Care plans that can be added to help cover a pet’s wellness care, including annual exams, vaccinations, tests, dental cleanings and flea/heartworm preventive. Preventive Care plans reimburse up to a set amount for each listed treatment. If your pet exhibited symptoms of a knee and ligament condition at any time, prior to enrollment or during a waiting period, all ligament and knee conditions will be excluded. Ligament and Knee are conditions involving a ligament, patella, meniscus or soft tissue disorder of the knee. Accident-Only coverage available.
ASPCA Pet Health Insurance®, provided by Crum & Forster Pet Insurance Group through its licensed agency, C&F Insurance Agency, Inc., is committed to improving animal care across the U.S. by making veterinary care more affordable for pet parents. Their Complete Coverage(SM) plan covers accidents, injuries, illnesses and more, and features simplified reimbursement based on percentage of invoice.  Preventive Care is available at an additional cost.

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