ASPCA | Pet Insurance Review


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Updated: May 29, 2024

ASPCA Pet Health Insurance® is committed to making veterinary care more affordable for pet parents. Its Complete Coverage plan covers accidents, injuries and illnesses, and features a simplified reimbursement based on percentage of invoice. Learn more about ASPCA’s plan options, read thousands of customer reviews and get a quote so you can make an informed choice about your pet insurance provider.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Ellen Teresa

Excellent Coverage

Petshealth Care Plan is a excellent plan for my Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier named Daisy. All I have to do is fill out the form, have the Vet fill out the form and sign it and I send it in. I have a piece of mind when I know that my Daisy needs care, I have insurance to cover some of the costs.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Steve

Payment for a covered condition will cease... the policy renewal date unless you have a "continuing care endorsement," which for us was an additional $7. But don't be too reassured. This endorsement may not provide as much coverage as the rest of your plan. So beware. We missed out with one cat, never imagining this could happen, and insurance-speak is not always easy to understand. So coverage can end in the midst of the healing process, or at the very beginning if the injury or illness occurs at the end of the plan year. The coverage levels are good for us otherwise, and service has been prompt.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Marya Rowan

ASPCA to the rescue!

On a routine visit to my vet with Maine Coons, Hyacinthe and Daphnis, in December 2009, I idly picked up ASPCA's Pet Insurance brochure. On studying it at home (having previously looked into two other plans and found them wanting), I liked this one and immediately insured my boys. In June 2010, on a vet visit with Hyacinthe, the routine weigh check showed that he had lost over one pound since December. Testing indicated hyperthyroidism. My choice for treatment was "pills" --twice a day and a major battle each time--or very expensive iodine 131 irradiation. Although my vet assured me that, over the balance of my 11-year old's expected life, irradiation would prove to be no more expensive than medication and follow-up testing, the up-front cost would be significant. Not knowing whether insurance would even cover it, I opted for irradiation. But ASPCA came through with flying colors. Now, Hyacinthe is like a new cat! He's gaining weight, his coat is silky, his eyes bright, and he's returned to play-chasing with his brother, Daphnis. THANKS ASPCA INSURANCE and my great good luck in picking up that brochure just when I did.

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Adriana

True dedication to animals

I used to have a health plan w/ VPI, but b/c of financial difficulties decided to cancel it. My dog was still young enough (about 5). But after some years I thought it would be best to get coverage for him again since he had just turned 8. So I called VPI again and to my surprise and disapointment, VPI and some others I contacted turned me down b/c of his age! As if 8 was old. So I found ASPCA and was pleased and grateful that they accepted us. It was a good thing too, b/c 6 mos later my Billy started to bleed internally and after many tests even though the cause was not found, a solution to make it stop was. He is doing better now and thanks to the ASPCA plan I am not in the poor house. each claim I had to put in was at least $150. I even had a claim for $579 and received $402 for it. Even though it's not a 100% return (please let me know if there is such a plan) I am sure glad I wasn't alone in these difficult times!Thanks, ASPCA, for your loyalty and dedication to animals! Sincerely, Adriana

out of 5

POSTED: | BY: Meghan Charlebois

Spend a dollar and save several dollars!

Our 3 yr old lab Grace ate a small dollup of insecticide. That little bit of poison almost cost Grace her life and us, $4000k in vet bills! If we had had pet insurance we would have faired a lot better finacially. Now we know.

Monthly Cost

Rates start at: $10 (for accident only), $16 (Complete Coverage). Rates vary based on species, age, breed, and location.


The pay-out amount is based on the actual vet bill, at a rate pre-selected by the customer: 90%, 80% or 70%

Payout Limits

Annual limits can be set by the customer, ranging from $2,500 to $20,000, including an unlimited option. No lifetime limits.


$100, $250 or $500 annually.

Age Limits

No upper age limits. Pets must be at least 8 weeks old to enroll.

Waiting Period

There are no waiting periods for preventive care. Coverage begins 14 days after date listed on policy for accidents, illnesses, and knee/ligament conditions.


Pre-existing conditions, cosmetic procedures and breeding costs are not covered. ASPCA Pet Health Insurance has two Preventive Care plans that can be added to help cover a pet’s wellness care, including annual exams, vaccinations, tests, dental cleanings and flea/heartworm preventive. Preventive Care plans reimburse up to a set amount for each listed treatment. If your pet exhibited symptoms of a knee and ligament condition at any time, prior to enrollment or during a waiting period, all ligament and knee conditions will be excluded. Ligament and Knee are conditions involving a ligament, patella, meniscus or soft tissue disorder of the knee. Accident-Only coverage available.
ASPCA Pet Health Insurance®, provided by Crum & Forster Pet Insurance Group through its licensed agency, C&F Insurance Agency, Inc., is committed to improving animal care across the U.S. by making veterinary care more affordable for pet parents. Their Complete Coverage(SM) plan covers accidents, injuries, illnesses and more, and features simplified reimbursement based on percentage of invoice.  Preventive Care is available at an additional cost.

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