How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears at Home
Keeping your dog’s ears clean is integral to their care. Still, it can be challenging if they are fussy about it or you feel uncomfortable doing...
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Keeping your dog’s ears clean is integral to their care. Still, it can be challenging if they are fussy about it or you feel uncomfortable doing...
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The temperatures might be starting to fall, but that doesn’t mean no more ticks and fleas. Fall flea and tick prevention is actually more import...
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Having a pet is an incredible joy. But it’s also a big responsibility. Like our human loved ones, our fur babies can become seriously ill or inj...
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We might be biased, but we can’t think of a better copilot than your dog. And fortunately, doing fun activities with your dog is clinically proven to...
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You know you need to feed your dog two times a day and walk them at least once daily. But you may be wondering, “How often should I take my dog to the...
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Winter is just around the corner, which means colder temperatures for many people in the country. As you get out the boots, hats, and jackets for the...
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If you’re a dog owner, you know that there are all sorts of health issues that dogs may develop. Some are prone to specific health problems, and...
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Mange is a skin condition caused by mites. It’s a common issue in dogs, and while it’s not usually serious, it can be very uncomfortable f...
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It’s not something cat parents like to think about. Still, our feline friends can occasionally suffer from constipation, just like humans. Even...
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IBD, or Inflammatory Bowel Disease, is a condition where a dog’s digestive tract (intestines) becomes chronically inflamed and irritated. As time goes...
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