Help! My Dog Rolled In Gross Stuff!
Got a dog? Does the following scenario sound familiar? You’re walking your dog on a very pretty day, enjoying the sun on your face and the breeze on y...
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Got a dog? Does the following scenario sound familiar? You’re walking your dog on a very pretty day, enjoying the sun on your face and the breeze on y...
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If your dog is afraid of thunder, a stormy day is the worst thing to happen. Your dog may pace, whine, pant, or become destructive during the storm. Y...
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Like most dog owners, you consider your dog a family member. And just like with any other family member, it’s essential to ensure they get enoug...
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Depression is a common problem among dogs and can be caused by many factors. Even though dogs cannot tell us that they are feeling depressed, there...
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Dogs are, without question, man’s best friend. That is when they’re not chewing up the sofa or peeing on the rug. Yes, dogs add so much joy and happin...
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A dog’s lick is a sign of love and affection. But should you let your dog kiss you? What does the research say? This article will explore the po...
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Do you sleep with your dog? According to a recent survey, about 55% of female dog owners sleep with their pups in bed. Sleeping with your dog can have...
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If you share your life and home with a dog, you’ve no doubt walked in on them chowing down on some pretty odd stuff. But have you ever noticed your do...
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There’s no denying that cats are safer when they live only indoors. Keeping them inside means keeping them away from traffic, potential diseases, and...
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It can be tough to see our furry friends age, but thankfully there are things we can do to help them stay happy and healthy. This blog post will discu...
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