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With a growing range of cat and dog insurance policies on the market, it can be hard to find the best pet insurance to suit your individual needs and budget.

We enable pet owners to share their experiences of some of the leading pet insurance providers, so as well as being able to compare the best pet insurance plans available based on cost, levels of coverage, exclusions and deductibles, you can read thousands of pet insurance reviews from other owners across the U.S. and Canada.

Our helpful pet insurance reviews can help ensure you find a policy that’s right for you.


out of 5


After an initial bad experience with my first claim (confusion over the fact that I see several vets due to my rural location), we finally cleared things up and it has been smooth sailing ever since. It is SO easy to file a claim, and they are very quick to come to a decision and send a check. I've had very little issue with what they have decided to cover and what they have not. I have a holistic vet and so many of my expenses are supplements and not medicine - they won't cover that, and that is not surprising. I wish my own health insurance was this easy to deal with, and provided good coverage. Very good customer service which is hard to find these days.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 12/01/2011
  • BY: Jennifer
  • BREED: Flat-coated Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

New onset heart murmur

My 18 month old kitten began running a fever so I took her to my vet for a check up. My Vet hear a heart murmur that had not been there 2 weeks prior when Lucy had a check up and shots. She put Lucy on antibiotics for a week and had me bring her back in 5 days hoping Lucy was dehydrated and that was what was causing the murmur. We went back for the recheck and the murmur was still present so my Vet sent me to a specialty hospital to a cardiologist for further testing and she found Lucy has Aortic Stenosis. Needless to say I was devastated at the diagnosis but relieved to have Embrace and hoped everything would be covered. Now I have to say, I have had Embrace now for a little over two years and was debating on whether or not I would keep it. I adopted a kitten in the summer of 2009 and researched pet insurance, I have had pets all my life but had been told for the most part pet insurance is a waste of money. Embrace by far had the most positive reviews so I decided to try it. Within, I believe, 2 months of adopting my kitten she became ill and was hospitalized. A few months later she again became ill and was hospitalized. The total bill was around $1100.00. Although Embrace did give me a little bit of a hard time, my Vet had to call them, they did pay both claims after speaking with my Vet and I was extremely pleased. The only issue I had is they made me have an expensive test done on my kitten before they would keep her on the insurance. Last year neither of my
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 12/01/2011
  • BY: Doreen
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5


put a claim in and after waiting a month received just over 50% of it back with no explanation why it was so low.tried to email but the website was down and now i cant be bothered following up
  • POSTED: 12/01/2011
  • BY: donal
  • BREED: Jack Russell Terrier
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Big Plus + something for PB to think about

Personnel always very respectful and helpful on the phone- even when I expressed a disappointment and was not very happy at the time. I misunderstand one aspect of the policy. Person at PB could not have been more respectful and professional which I really appreciated. Claim was easy to submit and was processed in a very timely manner. Their policy is very forthright and one gets no run-arounds with this company. PB was highly recommended to me by another dog owner, and I woudl not hesitate to recomment PB to others. Clearly they take professionalism and respect for clients very seriously. PB was recommended to me and I would not hesitate to recommend PB to others.
  • INSURER: Pets Best
  • POSTED: 12/01/2011
  • BY: Marie
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5


I decided to get pet insurance on my dog when she turned 6 just to be on the safe side. The worst happened on a Sat. night and she needed life saving care from an emergency clinic. The insurance paid a good deal of the cost and I was grateful that I decided to get ASPCA insurance as the clim was settled in a timely manner and the folks I spoke with were very helpful. I have recommended it to all my friends.
  • POSTED: 12/01/2011
  • BY: J.
  • BREED: Mixed Breed
  • AGE OF PET: Over 11 years

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out of 5

TPLO Repair

We started off a bit rocky because of some suggestions a vet wrote in my dog's records several years ago, but with Embrace's help they were able to tell us what information we needed in order for our yellow lab's $4000 cruciate ligament repair to be covered. Once more information was gathered, everything was very easy and we received a very sizable claim.
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 12/01/2011
  • BY: Maggie
  • BREED: Labrador Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5


It is nice to have some coverage but it doesn't pay like it should. ASPCA Insurance reduces the price of the claim and then pays you 80% of what they deem usual and customary so you actually wind up getting 50% vs. 80% of a claim.
  • POSTED: 12/01/2011
  • BY: Rosalie
  • BREED: Golden Retriever
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Bait and Switch!!!

Below is the email I received about a premium increase for my dog who is about 1.5 years old and has been insured for just over a year now. They are increasing my monthly premium from $39.68 to $68.10 which is nearly double!! This is unbelievable!! I am now realizing how many other people they've done this too over at least the last couple of years using the same terminology to create a loophole from the original contract. Beware of Trupanion!! I wish I paid more attention to the negative reviews when first researching. Policy Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX 11/30/2011 Re: 1/9/2012 Premium Adjustment Dear Cecil Xxxxxxx, Thank you for being part of the Trupanion family and for being a responsible pet owner. We strongly believe in being a partner to help provide the best medical care for your pet. We cover diagnostic tests, surgeries, treatments and medications with no limits — no matter where your pet goes for care. As incredible advances in veterinary medicine continue, the cost of veterinary services also increases. Trupanion is different from other insurance companies. We do not use a complex benefits schedule or fixed payout limits when paying claims. Instead, we price our insurance to cover 90% of actual injury or illness costs — the best in the industry. Because of our outstanding coverage and the increase in medical costs, on occasion we must adjust our rates. As a result, a rate adjustment is planned for this year. Your new monthly premium and the
  • INSURER: Trupanion
  • POSTED: 11/30/2011
  • BY: Cecil
  • BREED: Vizsla
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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out of 5

Bait and Switch!!!

Below is the email I received about a premium increase for my dog who is about 1.5 years old and has been insured for just over a year now. They are increasing my monthly premium from $39.68 to $68.10 which is nearly double!! This is unbelievable!! I am now realizing how many other people they've done this too over at least the last couple of years using the same terminology to create a loophole from the original contract. Beware of Trupanion!! I wish I paid more attention to the negative reviews when first researching. Policy Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX 11/30/2011 Re: 1/9/2012 Premium Adjustment Dear Cecil Xxxxxxx, Thank you for being part of the Trupanion family and for being a responsible pet owner. We strongly believe in being a partner to help provide the best medical care for your pet. We cover diagnostic tests, surgeries, treatments and medications with no limits — no matter where your pet goes for care. As incredible advances in veterinary medicine continue, the cost of veterinary services also increases. Trupanion is different from other insurance companies. We do not use a complex benefits schedule or fixed payout limits when paying claims. Instead, we price our insurance to cover 90% of actual injury or illness costs — the best in the industry. Because of our outstanding coverage and the increase in medical costs, on occasion we must adjust our rates. As a result, a rate adjustment is planned for this year. Your new monthly premium and the

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out of 5

Embracing Excellence and Customer Service

Like all of you out there I too am daddy to two of the sweetest long-haired chihauhaus that are beyond spoiled! My wife an I shopped for pet insurance and had a couple of terrible experiences until a friend recommended Embrace Pet Insurance. Our experience with them has been nothing short of superior in all aspects of cost, reimbursements, and follow up customer service. They are by no means cheap but I can tell you that the services they offer are worth every dollar we spend. They are fast, efficient, and "get it", meaning they understand and empathize with what we go through when our babies become ill or injured. I actually had a representative call me to see how my little girl - Mango - was making out post op from her shoulder fusion. As we speak, my big girl - Maggie - a.k.a Mootz - is under going a surgical procedure to remove infected anal glands and they reviewed the pre-authorization estimate and sent us an email detailing what the % of coverage would be. They condensed a 7-day process into a 24-hour turn around so we wouldn't suffer sticker shock with the bill! Embrace is just a down home folksy operation that is professional, well organized, quick to respond, and has the best interests of policy holders on the front burner. They are wonderful to deal with on the phone and go out of their way to accommodate policy holders. I'm the first one to send off a barn burner to whomever is willing to listen when I receive poor customer service from any organization. I
  • INSURER: Embrace
  • POSTED: 11/30/2011
  • BY: Bob
  • BREED: Chihuahua
  • AGE OF PET: 7 - 10

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